Green Initiatives


Going Green? Here’s How eBay’s Doing It

E-commerce giant eBay is working to integrate environmental best practices to support a healthier planet for both their community and the generations to come.  They recognize that climate change is not a problem they can…

Why Now’s the Perfect Time For Green Business Operations

Why is going green important for your business? Benefits of an environmentally friendly business include customer goodwill, saving money and preserving the planet for future generations. Maybe you’ve wanted to become more eco-friendly for a…

Yes, Office Carpets Affect Your Employees’ Health

Carpets are a popular floor covering in offices because they are comfortable and add to the aesthetics of the office space. And by ensuring that your office carpets are cleaned and well-maintained can you and…

How to Make Your Small Business More Green

You care about the environment, and you’d love to make your small business green. You may worry about the costs of sustainability for a smaller company, though. How do you go about reducing your brand’s…

How To ‘Greenify’ Your Office After COVID-19

Coronavirus has undoubtedly changed our way of living and influenced the views we have on the environment.  Since the start of the pandemic, cities all over the world have witnessed an array of positive environmental…

Boost Your Brand Image with Better Eco-Credentials

When it comes to sustainability, businesses are beginning to realize that there’s much more to going green than simply slapping an organic label onto products or using a few happy animal images in their branding….

Top 5 Trade Industries Predicted for Future Growth in 2020

People are becoming more and more aware and conscious of their environmental impact in everyday life. Households across the country are trying new systems and changing the way they do things to reduce their environmental…

Ensure Sustainability in the Office with These 7 Steps and Everybody Wins

Once upon a time not that long ago, going green was considered little more than a niche lifestyle choice. Nowadays, we all feel the increasing weight of responsibility of doing our bit to help look…

Want to Increase Office Recycling? Here Are Your First 7 Steps

Businesses, government agencies, and institutions across the globe are adopting recycling programs in an attempt to promote environmental conservation. These workplaces use a lot of paper and other items that could cause major environmental pollution…

7 Smart Tips for an Easier Paperless Office

Many businesses are interested in having a paperless office, but they fall down when it comes to implementation. A paperless system offers many advantages in productivity and efficiency, not to mention the benefits to the…

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