
Context is King

Context is king. When you think about companies who take risks and are edgy when it comes to their marketing, the insurance industry would hardly be the first to pop into your mind. But that’s…

Maximizing Staff Engagement and Productivity at Meetings

At one point or another, we’ve all had the pleasure of attending a painfully unproductive meeting. Most businesses have far too many meetings and we’re just not very effective at them. We may be ‘at…

How to Communicate Your Company’s Vision to Your Employees

Your vision is exactly that: yours. Not everyone has the luxury of immediately understanding the strategy behind your decisions, but it’s important that your team grasps the deeper meaning behind their work. After all, how is…

Transparency: The More Things Change…or Do They?

“…{You} must recognize that we are living in a different generation than the one in which {your} father had lived, and that it was possible, in building up an industry such as {his}, to maintain a…

How to Persuade Like Bill Clinton

Author’s note: Yes, I know this is a presidential election year. And yes, I know Bill Clinton is married to the Democratic nominee. But this post has nothing to do with politics and everything to do…

A Riddle: Why Explain Why?

In my early journalism classes, I was taught the five “W’s” of good news stories, and that most should be in the first paragraph at that. Who, what, when, where and why are the five, with…

The Power of NO!

Over the years I have counseled entrepreneurs to think of a “no” response in terms of “yes, but…” There is always another way to say “no” that leaves the door open for creative thinking. Well, almost…

Listening: Now That’s a Thought

Received a telephone call from a company doing a survey: Me: Hi, this is Bob. Caller: Is Bob there? Me: Th…this is Bob. Good morning. Caller: I’m doing a survey regarding children and television. Do you have any children…

In Marketing, Practice Like You Play

Anyone who has ever played organized sports (or music or dance for that matter) is probably familiar with the coaching axiom, “practice like you play.” In other words, if you practice sloppy, you’ll play sloppy…

3 Ways to Harness the Power of Storytelling for Your Business

As the co-founder of an education company that advises on the college application process, I often hear my students say that they want to go into business. The problem is, they can’t articulate why. They…

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