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How Merchant Cash Advance Can Help Your Small Business

Qualifying for a loan can be difficult for entrepreneurs who have poor credit history. Luckily, there are quite a few alternative methods to attain financing for your small business, aside from the traditional bank loan.

Minimum Wage of $10 is Maximum Headache for Small Businesses

Raising the minimum wage to $10 or more per hour puts a tremendous burden on small businesses. They’re already hurting from decreased revenues as households reduce spending due to high unemployment.

Facebook’s Zuckerberg Takes $1 Salary to Reduce IRS Taxes

Can you imagine earning a paycheck of just $1 each year while living a comfortable lifestyle? Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and head honchos at other giant corporations around the world can. And they are taking just a buck per year for good reason—to help their efforts in reducing taxes.

Losing the Negotiation Before It Starts

Sales people seem to be obsessed with negotiation. They read books, they take all sorts of classes, they strategize “negotiation” sessions. Oddly, when I push on the negotiation issue, most negotiations that sales people focus on are about price.

Is Asset-Based Lending for You?

Asset-based financing is a specialized method of providing structured working capital and term loans that are secured by accounts receivable, inventory, machinery, equipment and/or real estate.

Crunching the Numbers: How to Know if Your Business is Cost-Effective

It is no secret that funds are extremely limited in the first few years of a business. However, even when your business starts to boom, be sure to constantly analyze where the money is going and whether or not your expenditures are worth the asking price.

The Wrong Hero

If you want your marketing messages to translate into sales at premium prices, tell stories in which customers and prospects can experience the joy of your offerings—even if they haven’t tried them yet.

Small Biz Check Up

It’s the first week of April. How are your financials doing? It’s time for a small biz check up. By now, all your financials on the first quarter of 2014 should be available to you.

Employers Face Stiff Affordable Health Care Act Excise Taxes

The Affordable Health Care Act (ACA) (“Obama Care”) may lead to stiff excise taxes for larger and midsize employers that misclassify employees as independent contractors.

Equity Financing: Great for Rapid Growth Startups

We’ve spoken of financing a young company through friends and family, known as “inside angels.” There are three classes of equity investors for early stage businesses that we have not yet considered. Often grouped into formal organizations, these investors are sophisticated, helpful, and connected.

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