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10 Tips To Help You Win An Industry Award

Few businesses succeed in the long run unless they garner awards and other signs of merit which prove how excellent and unparalleled your brand really is. Nevertheless, many entrepreneurs ignore the pursuit of industry awards…

The Best Way to Structure Your Work Day, According to Science

For far too long, we’ve lived with 9-5 as the default working day, despite the objection of Dolly Parton and the lack of any kind of sensible reasoning for it being that way. What a…

How To Survive a Layoff

Whether laid-off or furloughed, a staggering amount of Americans have been left without work due to COVID-19. As of April 30, 30 million Americnas had filed an initial unemployment claim. Luckily, unemployment benefits are expanding…

Unemployed? Here Are 6 Ways to Keep to Your Routine (& Sanity)

As of writing this article, a shocking 36 million American workers have filed for unemployment as a direct result of the COVID-19 virus and the subsequent shutdowns and stay-at-home orders. That number represents almost 20…

How to get the best out of any online training course

Everything is changing. Day-by-day we see increasing changes in technology and also the psychology of effecting successful change management in the workplace. That’s why it is imperative to get the most out of any training…

Stay Focused on the Moment

Whenever I stepped onto the football field, I was not consciously thinking beyond the moment. Above all, I was not thinking about winning or losing. In the rest of my football career that followed, in…

5 Easy Ways to Run a Webinar & Make Money

Webinars are one of the best ways to engage leads and generate sales online. A well-planned webinar, with a good slide deck, can convert between 10%-30% of attendees. That’s a significant conversion rate. On the…

Lessons from T. Boone Pickens

Whether you’re a sole proprietor or part of a multi-billion dollar business, the key to success is talking to other people. T. Boone Pickens has built companies worth billions of dollars, and suggests that if you want to work smarter, then the first step ought to be talking to other people.

Thinking Like an Entrepreneur

The mindset of an entrepreneur is not just good for business. It’s empowering. It can be life changing. Thinking like an entrepreneur gives you an opportunity to take control of your life.


An important part of the entrepreneurial mindset is being open—and ready—to adapting quickly as things change. Circumstances change, forcing you to adapt, and you have to make that work. That’s business.

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