What is a DDos Attack, and How Can I Protect My Business?

Are you aware of the latest threat to your online business? It goes by the innocuous sounding name of DDoS. As yet, nobody has figured out how to protect society from this new evil. Like car theft, it doesn’t affect you every day, but when it does, it causes dramatic (and traumatic) disruption and loss.
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How the Internet Has Shifted Commerce into High Gear

With eCommerce sales on track for a 20% growth up to $1.5 trillion in 2014, it’s safe to say that the Internet has revolutionized the way we do business. Through the power of the web, a small business owner can reach entire countries, or, with the right logistics, the entire planet, using a single website.
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What Your Website Says About You

Your website is a massive part of how people judge your business as a whole. If it looks like something that is still stuck in the 90’s-early 00’s (think HTML, primitive flash, gradients!), then that’s a bad sign. But even the most modern, sleek looking sites are nothing without any substance attributed to them.
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