Posts Tagged ‘Team’
Where’s Your Team Playbook?
This one comes straight from football. From experience and from information about the competition, a coach creates a playbook that contains detailed plans for actions or plays that the entire team must know without question and execute without pause in order to win games and advance toward the playoffs. But you know that of course.…
Read More4 Innovative Alternatives to Team-Building Exercises That Stimulate Collaboration
No matter what sort of business you run, your workers are going to be the lifeblood of your brand. You need to encourage them to work together in order to reach goals and create a good customer support network. To get your employees working together effectively, it’s time for you to initiate some team building…
Read MoreHow to Build an Internship Program That Fuels Your Talent Pipeline
No matter the industry or business, great work calls for great entry-level talent to get sh*t done. And while there’s no shortage of job-seekers, identifying strong entry-level talent is tough. Why? A couple reasons… Experience is limited. Those with lots of experience have jobs lined up, and everyone else looks the same on paper. Often…
Read MoreWhen “A Players” Fail
I’ve been participating in a great discussion on the importance of talent. It’s an area that doesn’t get the attention needed and is critical to organizational performance. Too few managers pay the right attention to talent, both recruiting, onboarding, developing, and retaining the right people. As a result, the costs of this inattention to talent…
Read MoreEffective Guide for Spotting a Bad Project Manager
Good project managers can make a world of difference in a business. Projects will run smoothly, teams will work together effectively, and productivity will improve as time moves on. The problem is not all project managers are good; some of these people are just bad at their jobs. These individuals may cause more chaos than…
Read More4 Unusual Ways to Re-Energize Your Team
Often, managers are required to get their employees motivated and full of energy. Periodically, employees experience doldrums or feel they are stuck in a rut. Therefore, it is the manager’s job to find ways to re-energize team members and employees. Here are some tips you could try to get your employees and team members motivated…
Read MoreConsiderations When Planning Team Incentives
When planning a team incentive for your direct sales consultants it is important to consider many criteria. With careful planning you can accomplish what you set out to do without breaking the bank. For more information listen to the full version of this broadcast on the Cash Flow Show – Home Business Radio or read the Cash…
Read More5 Keys to Boosting the Performance of a Business Team
It takes an effective team to attract and serve a community in business these days. With real-time online reviews and feedback via the Internet, and instant relationships via social media, a voice from the top that is inconsistent with what is heard from the firing line defines a dysfunctional and noncompetitive company for today’s customer.…
Read MoreCommon Mistakes to Avoid in Your Law Practice
Mistakes are a fact of life. They help us learn and improve. However, they can also be painful, embarrassing, and even harmful to your career, depending on the context. So, how can you acquire the hard-won knowledge without the consequences? As author and speaker Jim Rohn said, “It’s important to learn from mistakes, but it’s…
Read MoreGiving Them the Answers
Let’s conduct a thought experiment. As one might do in experiments, imagine A/B testing. We’ll create an A group and a B group. The people in each group are identical in capabilities, backgrounds, experiences. Both groups are equally skilled and capable. Now we are going to give people a test. It’s around some complex issues.…
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