5 Key Tips To Elevate Your Website To Capture Every Customer

man thinking about ideas for web design

Imagine your website as the digital front door to your business. It’s the first thing people see, so you want it to pop and invite them in, right? Start with eye-catching visuals. Throw in some vibrant colors that scream ‘this is who we are’, and add videos that tell your story in seconds. Remember, your…

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How SMEs Sharing Success Stories Can Supercharge Their Growth

Whether you call it blowing your own trumpet or tooting your own horn, it’s fair to say that many of us aren’t the best at shouting about our achievements. Perhaps out of fear of being perceived as ‘big-headed’ and egotistical or simply because we don’t like the attention on ourselves, it can feel unnatural to…

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10 Keys To Tapping The Hidden Power Of The Best Story

team leader enthralls her team with a story

The entrepreneur’s challenge is to effectively communicate their value proposition, not only to customers, but also to vendors, partners, investors, and their own team. Especially for technical founders, this is normally all about presenting impressive facts. But in reality, facts only go so far. Stories often work better, because humans don’t always make rational decisions.…

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Storytelling Is a Powerful Tool for Business & Life

There are many benefits to storytelling.  Healing, communication, concentration, and reasoning are all psychological benefits that have been associated with writing.  Additionally, writing about your experiences helps provide clarity, makes your story part of history, and enhances your well-being and likelihood of success.  According to one study, people who write down their goals are 1.5…

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5 Storytelling Techniques to Be a Better Speaker

When was the last time that you experienced a very compelling speaker? Do you remember what you liked about the story? Were there any elements that you found particularly interesting?      Maybe you remember a few nuggets. Some very vivid images, a funny anecdote, or the speaker’s powerful charisma. Or maybe you just remember…

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4 Unique Marketing Ideas to Get Your Small Business Noticed

The world we live in is hyper saturated by the media—so how can your marketing stand out? Everywhere we go, in any direction we turn, we’re confronted by images begging for our attention. From social media feeds to television screens, billboards to bus stops, magazines, newspapers, flyers, banners… the list goes on and on. Marketers…

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It’s Just Science: Why Stories Are So Powerful

Stories are woven into our souls from the moment we are born. When we’re little, bedtime stories soothe us to sleep; as we get older, we begin to seek out stories for entertainment via movies, books, and shows. Sure, they’re amusing and offer a great outlet for relaxation, but their value goes much deeper than…

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How to Develop the Perfect Video Story

“Storytelling is the most powerful way to put ideas into the world.” Robert McKee In the not-so-distant past, we approached marketing and advertising much differently than we do today. Instead of appealing to the people searching for a solution, campaigns and ads tended to focus on the product or service instead. As competition increased and…

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10 Ways to Make Your Business Memorable with a Story

The entrepreneur’s challenge is to effectively communicate their value proposition, not only to customers, but also to vendors, partners, investors, and their own team. Especially for technical founders, this is normally all about presenting impressive facts. But in reality facts only go so far. Stories often work better, because humans don’t always make rational decisions.…

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What’s Your Story? Did Someone Else Create It?

It is an old warning in the entertainment industry. Define your persona the way you want others to view you—before someone else defines you by comparing you to someone not as flattering as you would like. Sometimes you win when others define your story I have a friend in the music business who worked hard…

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