What Nobody Tells You About Starting A Business

Coffee shop owners showing open sign

Globally, 4.7 million businesses are created every year, with entrepreneurs searching for independence, success, and financial freedom. While these elements can indeed be part of the entrepreneurial experience, there’s much more that isn’t highlighted as frequently. Here’s what they don’t tell you about starting a business. Networking Is Vital When you launch your own business,…

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How to Start a Small Resale Business

Whether you are looking for a whole new career, or you just want to build up a side hustle that can boost your base level income, a small resale business could be the right way to go about it. There are some steps to take and hurdles to navigate when starting a resale business, so…

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How to Turn a Passion Into a Career

an industrial worker using a blow torch

Do you have a passion you would like to turn into a career? Are you unsure of how to get started? If so, you have come to the right place. This blog post will discuss how to turn your passion into a career. The Foundations Of A Passion Breakaway Business Passion-based businesses are those which…

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7 Must-Haves for Every Small Business

Creating and maintaining a successful business is rewarding but also overwhelming. You want to make sure you have the proper tools for success, but where to begin? The following seven items are essential tools for any small business:   1. Get a Federal Tax Identification Number (TIN) Social security numbers are normally acceptable TINs for independent…

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2nd Thoughts About Starting A Business? Here’s What To Do

It’s completely natural to have pangs of regret when starting a business. Particularly if you’ve made the move from comfortably salaried employee to business founder and director. You’re now completely in charge of your own future. There’s no hiding from it; you’re responsible for making the big decisions. You’re the architect of your own destiny.…

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5 Shared Traits of Recession-Proof Businesses

The U.S. could be headed for a prolonged recession following the coronavirus pandemic, which has taken an economic toll worldwide. Small businesses looking to survive — and thrive — during a recession can implement best practices now to better navigate an impending new climate. Recession-proof businesses are those that meet essential needs for customers, selling…

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5 Excellent Reasons to Start a Business During a Down Economy

When our economy takes a turn for the worse it means a very uneasy feeling for both the country and the people living within it. Inflation goes through the roof, companies lock their doors, unemployment of course skyrockets, and an overall general uncertainty hits both investors and consumers. Needless to say, everyone is hit in…

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Tips for Startup Success

If you’re anything like most entrepreneurs, you love the idea of the startup. It’s always an exciting time to be in the startup phase of a new business. However, this can also be a very volatile time, as it really matters how you make use of your resources.
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