Posts Tagged ‘Relationships’
Creating Top of Mind Awareness
As a small business entrepreneur, your goal is always to find more customers. But when you are marketing your company and developing your business’s brand, you can’t just think about the short term and immediate effects; you have to consider the long term, too.
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Abraham Lincoln: Business Lessons
Abraham Lincoln is one of the most enduring, inspiring figures in American history. His popularity is unwavering, and is as high as ever thanks to Steven Spielberg’s movie Lincoln. Every president aspires to be like Lincoln, but they shouldn’t be the only ones. The life and career of President Lincoln has plenty of great business lessons.
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How Can I Get Free Local Publicity for My Business?
Educate Your Customers
Increasing Customer Loyalty
Increasing customer loyalty is a great strategy, because getting your existing customers to come back more often to buy more will help your sales just as much as getting new customers, and it’s a lot cheaper. Here are a few specific things to keep in mind to increase customer loyalty.
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