4 Ways to Invest in Your Employees (And Why You Should!)

In a recent report, Jim Clifton, Chairman and CEO of Gallup said, “The single best activity for any team leader to deliver is not employee satisfaction, but rather employee development.” The same report also found that for employees to be engaged at work, four needs must be met: Basic needs: “I have everything I need…

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Contractor vs Employee: A Mini Guide for American Small Businesses

Employee vs. contractor — an American small business mini guide This post is about employees and contractors in the United States. For the Canadian version, click here.  Table of contents/quick links Self-employment trends Determining worker employment status Request a ruling Employees vs. contractors — the “benefits” and “drawbacks” Tax benefits Can a contractor become an employee…

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Do These 6 Practices to Raise Workforce Engagement

Whether you are an entrepreneur managing a startup, or a corporate executive with thousands of employees, it’s hard to ignore the evidence of big value from happy employees. According to a classic study from Deloitte, happy employees have been shown to be up to 20 percent more effective in the workplace than unhappy employees, as well…

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3 Small Business Lessons I Learned as a Private School Administrator

When people think of a small business, it’s usually a Main Street-style shop—a florist, a hair salon, a restaurant. On a bigger scale, it could be a local marketing firm, a graphic design agency, or a family-run insurance company. But running a private school is actually just like running a small business, except every day…

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The Difference Between Independent Contractor And Employee: Why It Matters

If you hire someone for a long-term, full-time project or a series of projects that are likely to last for an extended period, you must pay special attention to the difference between independent contractors and employees. Why It Matters The Internal Revenue Service and state regulators scrutinize the distinction between employees and independent contractors. That’s…

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Why Your Small Business Needs to Adopt eLearning for Employee Training

As more businesses realize the importance of learning and development (L&D) for staying relevant in today’s competitive environment, small businesses are faced with a unique challenge. While larger enterprises have little restraint when it comes to investing in employee training, smaller businesses are tied by bootstrap budgets and infrastructure-related challenges if they want to deploy training initiatives.…

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Over-Promoting Employees: Recalling the Peter Principle

Remember the Peter Principle? Funny how good messages come back in new forms after years of languishing out in the ether.  Dr. Laurence J. Peter in The Peter Principle: Why Things Always Go Wrong wrote in the early 1960’s of the “lateral arabesque,” describing how companies promote incompetent employees sometimes by sending them to another department or…

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Simple Ways to Ensure Your Corporate Training Sticks

Thanks to an increasing skill gap, lack of interest in training, and employee turnover due to lack of proper training, businesses are losing $13,500 annually for every employee that gets trained. This number does not look surprising considering only 12% of learners apply the skills they obtain during training to their day-to-day tasks. As corporate…

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How to Stop Time Theft from Overwhelming Your Small Business

Even if you’ve never heard the term “time theft,” you’d know it if you saw it. But if you’re a small business owner with employees, chances are good you’ve experienced it firsthand. You might be thinking, “I have employees. I’ve never caught anyone ‘stealing time.’” But that’s what makes time theft so tricky. It’s common,…

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How to Plan an Office Weight Loss Challenge

Trying to dodge the office vending machine, your colleagues’ candy bowl, and the traditional breakroom diet becomes a hard feat to achieve when you are trying to lose weight. But it’s possible to stick to your diet and resist these temptations altogether by motivating others to join your weight loss plan. And there is no…

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