Can AI Improve Customer Service?

Improving a customer’s experience is always a top priority for any brand. Customer service should be at the forefront of any brand’s priorities because a customer that feels valued and respected is a lot more likely to come back. It might cost extra resources, time and money, but quite often, it’s the only thing that…

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Do You Take Those Loyal, Key Customers for Granted?

Ok. We know that an executive’s job is not easy. Nor is there much time in a typical day for outreach of any kind. Especially in your growing company, you are drawn into daily process issues by all of your direct reports, often responding to questions and problems, leaving little time for strategic thought. That’s…

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How to Inspire Brand Loyalty with Purpose

Do you want your customers to love your brand? Would you like to break through the marketing clutter and inspire brand loyalty? Over the past few years, Americans have been making purchase decisions based on several factors, one of which has been gaining more ground. Many terms have been used to describe it such as,…

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5 Best Practices for Turning New Customers into Loyal Customers

If you asked them, most small business owners would say that they’re focused on the “lifetime value” of their customers—but that’s probably because they think they’re supposed to. Despite claiming to keep this metric top-of-mind, many owners don’t position their business to focus on how to keep their existing customers. According to Invesp, it costs…

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Why Mobile Apps Are Essential for Your Small Business

Any entrepreneur focuses on three main things when starting up: building a customer base that is loyal, increasing sales, and improving business efficiency. You’re willing to work long hours as you invest your resources in the visions you harbor. You aim to achieve your dreams as you look for various ways to improve your business.…

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Who Already Trusts You?

If there is a cardinal sin of marketing, it’s ignoring the people who already know you, appreciate you and give you money. For most organizations, 60-75% of your net new revenue should come from your existing customer base. Despite that metric, most businesses spend the majority of their marketing dollars and efforts chasing after new…

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How to Create a Loyalty Program for Your Customers

Many businesses are creating loyalty programs because they recognize the value in establishing a long-term relationship with their customers, but many entrepreneurs are encountering tough challenges along the way that put them off the idea entirely. Creating a cost-effective loyalty program that generates meaningful results for your business isn’t easy, and you’ll need to be…

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5 Superior Tips on How Your Business Could Earn Customer Loyalty

The global market is becoming competitive with each dawn and every business is spending much of their time and resources attracting new customers. Most marketers are realizing that to hook customers is one thing, and a completely different thing to retain them. So why is it important to attract customers? Well, it goes without saying…

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A Bird in the Hand

Short of your employees, there is no one more important to your business than your current customers. We give this incredible lip service but our actions suggest we don’t actually believe it. Think you’re different – check your marketing budget. What percentage of it is spent on your own bird in the hand – your…

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