8 Indications of an Entrepreneur Sought by Investors

An entrepreneur is literally “one who creates a new business.” The best new businesses are ones that have never been done before, so mastering creativity and recognizing creativity are key skills and mindsets. But how does one recognize and nurture creativity in a person or team? In researching this question, I reviewed a classic book…

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3 Valuable Instagram Hacks to Power Your Sales

Digital businesses are obsessed with sales. On Instagram, most small businesses apply spammy Instagram marketing techniques: Subscribing for fake ads, posting tons of random content, or buying thousands of Instagram followers. Jasmine Star, the internationally recognized photographer who leveraged Instagram to build a six-figure business in her first year, suggests that business owners should forget…

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7 Tips to Develop Entrepreneurial Skills and Characteristics

Being an entrepreneur might sound glamorous, but it can be a challenging path that requires discipline and a special kind of personality. Successful entrepreneurs must acquire certain entrepreneurial skills and characteristics that help them become effective leaders. These skills help them create more success in business and allow them to communicate, form relationships, and achieve…

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How Much Time Do You Spend “Outside the Box?”

So, you’re managing all that work, all those interruptions, all those texts and pesky emails. You get home at some reasonable hour, kind of tired, and needing a recharge. Sound familiar? Well, that’s probably because you’ve “wasted” a significant portion of your time on tasks others could have done effectively. So, where do you get those…

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4 Common Misconceptions About Creative Content You’ll Want to Avoid

When we think of the words ‘creative content,’ we may immediately picture global campaigns from huge well-known brands: innovators like Walmart, Spotify, and Netflix that shake up the industry and change the game. These juggernauts continue to create iconic content that is justly celebrated and pulls in prestigious awards. You might be thinking: these campaigns…

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Why a Great Web Experience Starts with a Wireframe

A good website is the front line of a business or brand. A user-friendly design can bring new customers, up your conversion rate, and give your users an overall satisfaction in their experience with your brand. A great website starts with a good wireframe, and here’s why. What is a Wireframe? A wireframe is a…

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Right-Brain Finances: Tax Deductions for Creative Types

People who use the right side of their brains to work, day in and day out, are often referred to as creative types. These people include graphics designers, professional writers, commercial artists, movie makers, online content providers, flower arrangers, and others who produce original or inventive work. If you’re a creative individual who is self-employed,…

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13 Tips for Turning Your Office into a Sanctuary for Creativity

A lot of businesses are recognizing that employees need to feel comfortable in their workspace. Turning bland and traditional office decor into creative havens can yield very positive results for you and your business. But what makes a space ‘creative’ exactly? It’s hard to define, but a creative space will boost morale, increase productivity and…

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Can We Have Fun While Doing Serious Work?

Have you ever noticed how slow time passes when you are in a troubled environment? Conversely, sometimes you look up at the end of a great day and wonder where the time went. It’s driven from the top Over the years, I have discovered that the difference is not just applicable to the good times,…

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