Posts Tagged ‘Communications’
5 Reasons Small Businesses Should Rely on NEC VoIP Phone Systems
Small businesses need to be able to reduce overhead while embracing new technology that supports mobility and communication if they want to gain and maintain a lead position within the marketplace.
Read More Top 5 Business Video Conferencing Platforms of 2013
We have entered into the age of video communication, and almost every professional will agree, it’s a beautiful era! Less travel, less money, less time wasted during the traverse from meeting to meeting and best of all, a heightened level of communication and efficiency!
Read More What Do You Do After Google Voice?
Google Voice was released on the Today Show in June 2009 as a free service. Just recently though, they folded Google Voice into Hangouts, which already swallowed Google Talk (their free chat service) as part of Google’s play to unify instant messaging, video conferencing, and VoIP services into one platform.
Read More Great Business Phone Systems and the Magic of Teleworking
Teleworking, or the process of working from a remote location, is becoming an increasingly popular career option, and it’s not hard to understand why. When companies give their employees the option to work remotely, there can be numerous benefits for everyone involved.
Read More The Best and Worst Traits of an Entrepreneur: Which Do You Have?
You may be an ambitious and energetic person planning to start on your own. But ambition and energy alone aren’t sufficient to take you to the next level. I have met, observed, and studied several entrepreneurs. I have found that they possess some specific traits that played a key role in the eventual success or failure of their businesses.
Read More Live Video with Spreecast
Spreecast is the new kid on the block in video chat. With its unique approach to casting live video across the web, there are some definite advantages of using the service as an alternative to Skype, Google Hangout or GoToMeeting.
Read MorePosition Yourself as a Trusted Brand
When your mission in business is to create a product or service with integrity and to earn a reputation as someone who cares about people more than earning money, you’re on the right track. One company I love to use as an example of establishing a trusted brand is Honest Tea.
Read More Many Entrepreneurs Over-Think or Under-Think Issues
While technology and the Internet allow you to act and react more quickly than ever before, you need more than ever to consider decisions reflectively before making them. In addition to solving problems the right way, make sure you are solving the right problems.
Read More Execution
During the first couple of years in business, you will constantly be challenged with the bicycle pedals of motivation and discipline. When motivation wanes, discipline must kick in to keep the bicycle moving. Some of the best leaders and managers in business don’t achieve peak results because they simply don’t execute the plan.
Read More Long Term Focus for Small Business
As a small business owner, it’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of an average day. Especially when work piles up in and around the office, entrepreneurs don’t always take the time to consider the long term impact of what they’re doing. Here are a few things to keep in mind that will help you promote the long term success of your business when the going gets tough.
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