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Marketing a New Startup During a Pandemic: 4 Tips

By: Annie Button


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The coronavirus pandemic has changed the world as we know it, affecting businesses all across the globe.

However, while some companies may have struggled, others have prospered, utilising the pandemic to not only restructure their working model but also completely start afresh with a new, pandemic-proof set of thinking.

Many people have even decided to set up their own businesses in light of the pandemic, adapting to meet the needs of the current climate we find ourselves in.

If this sounds like your current situation, then we’re here to help. Marketing can and should be your best friend when starting a new business – an avenue for you to reach new customers and ensure your business gets off the ground running.

To help you understand how to utilise marketing effectively, join us as we run through a few must-dos for when it comes to developing a foolproof marketing strategy.

  1. Prepare For Post-COVID-19

First things first, it’s important to remember that the pandemic won’t last forever and, therefore, planning for its aftermath as early as possible can make a big difference.

While the sudden change of consumer habits may be seen as a huge hindrance to several businesses, it doesn’t have to be. By preparing your business for the post-COVID-19 landscape, and setting up plans to implement as soon as you’re able to, you’ll be putting yourself in the best possible position.

Consumers may be spending a lot more of their time shopping online at the moment but, as time moves on, it’s predicted that in-person spending will increase substantially once the lockdown restrictions are eased again.

Therefore, use this time now to work on your post-COVID-19 marketing campaigns – both digitally and from a print perspective. Invest in social media advertising, print flyers and advertising materials and mock-up a plan of attack to use when you can. You might just be thankful that you did.

  1. Improve Your Website

As we’ve just mentioned, consumers are spending a lot more time shopping online nowadays. So, it should go without saying that ensuring your business has a good online presence is imperative.

No longer is it good enough to simply have a website. While that’s obviously important, there are millions upon millions of websites available out there so you need to think about what it is which makes your business stand out above the rest.

Put yourself in the shoes of your target consumer and think about what would make you engage with a website. Then, make those changes to your own website.

Going one step further, working with a specialist SEO agency, investing in paid search or simply rejuvenating your social media profiles, can also ensure your business is seen by more consumers – both locally and globally.

  1. Use Social Media

In light of the pandemic, social media has fast become the best friend of many businesses.

After all, keeping your consumers engaged using marketing channels is vital to ensure you get through the pandemic unscathed. And what better way is there to engage with your new and existing customers than through your various social media platforms. 

Again, put yourself in the shoes of your target consumer. Now that they are spending more time online and at home, they will be turning to social media more than ever before to get through the hard times.

Therefore, while they’re scrolling through their newsfeeds, you’re going to want to ensure your business is front and centre, by providing them with relevant content and potential incentives to keep them engaged.

  1. Think About Incentives

While on the topic of incentives, these can be a highly effective means of keeping customers engaged not only now but in the future as well.

Whether it be a sale, a discount or a deal of some kind, your business’ incentives will need to be time-appropriate and relevant to each of your target consumers in order to encourage a conversion.

Even if you’re currently selling a product or service that nobody can use right now, by adapting your approach and thinking outside of the box, you can keep your business in the minds of consumers after the pandemic has finished.

Published: October 22, 2020

Annie Button

Annie Button

Annie Button is a Portsmouth based writer and recent English Literature graduate. Annie has written for various online and print publications and specializes in business and career development. Follow @anniebutton1994 on Twitter.

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