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How to Create a Value Proposition That Helps Your Small Business Stand Out

How to Create a Value Proposition That Helps

Consumers searching for products or services on the internet are inundated with options. Most people will keep clicking through search results until they either find a website that grabs their attention, or they are in a stupor caused by decision fatigue.

Don’t be the site they skip over. Make sure your website stands out among your competitors, by giving visitors a clear, concise, value statement as soon as they hit your landing page.

Here are some excellent value proposition examples, to help you understand what we mean. When you look at these value propositions, they seem really simple, and that’s because they are. The effort that went into devising them, however, was not. Creating an excellent value proposition is all about clearly communicating your brand, and making promises you know you can deliver. Let’s take a look at what goes into composing a strong value proposition that visitors to your website will stop and notice.

Communicate Your Brand

As you can see from the linked examples, these websites communicate clear branding from the moment you open the page. Their images, coloring, spacing, and font, express the personality of the brand before you even read anything.

The actual content of each website reinforces the brand, what they offer, how they will offer it. They make clear, the ways their offerings will change your life or even society. This is the kind of brand clarity that gets attention, making people pause and potentially engage.

In order to clearly communicate your brand, you need to know it inside and out. Because you are a small business, there is a chance you may have missed a few steps in establishing your brand. Many small business owners get so caught up in the logistics of getting their business off the ground, they do not take the time to flesh out the personality of their business. This, however, is detrimental to your sales strategy.

When getting to know your brand, examine your mission and values statements, your core values, and key market research. It will go a long way in helping you get a clear picture of who your brand represents.

Make Your Promises Clear

What exactly are you offering your customers? This is not a time to beat around the bush. If a visitor to your website does not immediately see that you will solve their problems, they will likely be gone before you can say, “but wait!”

The average person visiting your website will linger for about 15 seconds. That does not include the people who click on your link, then immediately hit the back button because they didn’t find what they were looking for. Tell your website visitors what you will do to fix their problem before they even have to scroll. Put it right at the top of the page.

How Will Your Customers Benefit?

Telling a potential customer that you will solve their problem is not enough. Once you establish this, the important information is how they will benefit from their problem being solved. If you are offering a supplement that helps people sleep, for example: Yes, they will sleep; but how will sleeping change their lives? Will they be healthier? Happier? More Productive? Tell them that right away.

Anyone searching the internet for your product or service likely already knows how they will benefit. This does not change the fact that you need to tell them.

Why You and Not the Competition?

It is never a good idea to focus directly on the competition for too long, but it is important to make sure your audience knows how you stand out. Let them know what makes you different. You can probably do this without ever mentioning your competitor. Are your products or services inexpensive? Do you have excellent customer service? Do you focus on higher quality?

Whatever you do, make sure you communicate the special features of your brand.

Revisit Your Company’s Basics

Don’t forget your company’s roots. Revisiting your mission statement will help you more clearly define what you provide to your customers. Taking a look at your values statement will remind you of how your services will change their lives. Reassessing your core values will define which elements of the way you do business are most important to you.

Research Your Customers and Competitors

Customers want to feel heard and appreciated. You may be surprised about how forthright they are about their preferences if you just ask. Or you could give them a survey to take the pressure off of their answers. Either way, understanding exactly how your customers want you to solve their problems is key to excellent products and services.

Understanding what your competitors do well and what they don’t do well, is essential to learning how to differentiate your brand. Take into consideration what you can do to improve on a product or service your competitors offer, and then go above and beyond.


Creating a standout value proposition is not easy work. Your brand identity has to be strong, you need a full understanding of the driving principles behind your business, and your message must make customers feel heard. While there is a lot to this process, the effort you put in will be rewarded with a value proposition that blows your competitors away, and guarantees yours will not be the site that gets skipped over.


Published: December 30, 2019

gary wilkinson

Gary Wilkinson

Gary Wilkinson is a 28-year internet marketer from the UK and is CEO of the Link Kings Agency.

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