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6 Ways Businesses Can Give Back to the Community

By: Victoria Hill


Ways Businesses Can Give Back to the Community

There are many ways for businesses to give back to the community. Whether it comes in the form of donating to charity or donating knowledge or experience, every company has something to offer the community.

It is important that businesses act as a force for positive change within the environments they operate. We have compiled a list of different ideas for you to consider so you can step up and do exactly that. Here are 6 ways businesses can give back to the community.

1. Share Your Knowledge

Ways to contribute to your community spread much further than contributing money. If you run a small business or are in the midst of a startup, you may not have the extra funds to give money and that is more than ok.

There is something else that you have that could be of use to someone or even multiple people: Your knowledge. A great way to give back is simply by taking some time out of your schedule to teach others valuable skills they may not have had the chance to cultivate themselves yet.

Remember that you were once a beginner trying to make your way; was there any advice along the way that helped you get to where you are today? Can you now offer that to someone else?

2. Donate Your Time by Volunteering

Just as you would go about donating your knowledge, you can donate your time to volunteering and encourage your colleagues to do the same. Many businesses give back by allowing their employees time to do volunteer work. You can give them the chance to seek out organizations or charities of their choice to give them the freedom to spend their time supporting a cause they really connect with.

You can also create group volunteer days which can double as a team building exercise for your employees. Have everyone vote for a cause and let the majority rule. Making volunteering a group activity will allow everyone a chance to deepen their relationships outside of the office which often leads to more understanding, collaboration, and increased work ethic within the office. Double win!

3. Sponsor or Organize an Event

Sponsoring an event is a great way to bring the community together. Find a charity or organization that you want to sponsor and provide them with the platform to spread their message. There are so many ways to go about sponsoring an event and it can end up being a memory many people carry with them for years to come.

4. Consider Prize Drawings from Charitable Organizations

Prize draws are a fun way to give back to the community. Have you thought about finding a fun drawing to enter into that has a big giveaway like a car or home? Purchasing tickets for your office is a great way to give back to both your employees and the community.

Encouraging employees to find organizations that have causes/prizes everyone is interested in supporting and potentially winning can bring everyone together. You can also create your own prize drawing in which you all decide on a prize to put up for a drawing, donating the proceeds to a charity of choice.

5. Start a Mentorship Program

There is always someone out there struggling with getting their foot inside of the professional door. Consider creating a mentorship program in which you help give others looking to excel in your chosen industry the tools they need to do so. Even inviting teenagers to see your office and how your operations work can give them a better idea of what to expect as they enter the professional world.

6. Promote and Support Other Local Businesses

Promoting other local businesses is a great way to give back to your community and there are many ways to go about doing this. Make it a goal to utilize local businesses yourself to make improvements to your workplace or provide services directly to your company and after having a pleasant experience, talk about it with others! When businesses are more focused on supporting each other than competing with each other the entire economy can flourish. If your company is hosting an event, for example, utilize a local catering business.

There are many ways businesses give back to the community. It is a social responsibility that needs to be fulfilled and can in return provide many benefits to your business itself. Always keep in mind that you don’t need money to give back, and there are many ways that you, your employees, and your community can have fun supporting each other!

Published: July 2, 2018

victoria hill

Victoria Hill

Victoria Hill studied communication arts and worked with the magazine editorial team in Sydney before joining an art team at another ad agency. She has been writing as a ghostwriter ever since she was in college. Her favorite topics covered human development, business communication, modern and pop art, minimalism, and self-development.

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