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The Importance of Mobile Marketing for Your Business

By: SmallBizClub


Mobile is no longer the future of marketing, it’s the present. If your small business isn’t utilizing the many opportunities mobile provides, you’re more than missing out, you’re inadvertently setting yourself up to fail for the future. When it comes to a mobile marketing plan the time to get specific is now, and here’s why.

More than half of all customers care (a lot) about your mobile site.
Studies say that over 51% of consumers are more likely to purchase from a small business website that’s optimized for mobile. Not only that, but an even greater percentage say they’d take their business to a competitor’s site if they encountered a bad mobile experience. What does that mean for your small business? It’s time to hire a developer to get your site mobile and while you’re at it, you probably need a whole-site facelift, too.
In less than two years, about 85% of local ads will be delivered via mobile.
“Local” means small business, and it’s an arena you can’t afford not to be competitive in. Thanks to deal sites like Groupon and LivingSocial your customers are expecting to see your brand making statements via mobile advertising, whether it’s through coupons, flash deals, or even simple email blasts.
Over 50% of mobile searches lead to purchases and over 90% lead to some kind of action.
Do you need more customers reaching out to your business? Maybe you’re sure you can win them over with your superior customer service if you can just get them to call in! Whatever you’re planning on doing to win customers’ business, you have to make them aware of you before they can do it. Mobile advertising is the fastest, most cost-effective way to do that and it really, truly works.
Mobile coupons get ten times the redemption rate of traditional coupons.
That’s a staggering statistic. If your small business relies heavily on new customers in and out of the doors (maybe you provide a service or are a food business) then you can no longer rely on newspaper coupons and the like to get the job done. Particularly if you just want to promote a product or sale you were already planning on offering, mobile coupons are an effective, inexpensive way to go.
By later this year, mobile usage is expected to overtake desktop usage.
Wow. That means that in just a few short months, more people will be using their mobile phones to find information, research businesses, and get local deals. If you’re not in front of those customers where they’re looking you’re simply going to get left out in the cold. Mobile marketing, at a bare minimum, gets you a ticket to the game but it takes a lot of planning and research to win.
Still not convinced? Maybe knowing that more people own a mobile phone than a toothbrush can help sway you, or maybe it’s that that average consumer spends over two hours using mobile applications per day. Mobile marketing is no longer an option when it comes to your advertising plan, it’s a necessity.
RCurrie - PicAuthor: Ryan Currie is a product manager at BizShark.com, with 5 years experience in online marketing and product development. In addition to web-related businesses, he also enjoys the latest news and information on emerging technologies and open source projects.
Published: February 28, 2014

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