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SEO 101: Learning the Basics

By: Mary Ylisela



It’s hard to be in business these days without having some knowledge of search engine optimization. Commonly referred to as SEO, this is something every small business person should have a basic knowledge of, even if someone else in the company handles all the internet marketing and web design.

Having foundational knowledge of SEO can help small businesses rank higher in internet searches, resulting in more website traffic and sales. To ensure their businesses are utilizing SEO to their advantage, small business owners should incorporate these considerations into their business practices.
Basic SEO for Small Business Owners
  • What is SEO? 
SEO sounds much more complicated than it is. Basically, this is the process of ensuring that a business shows up as high as possible in the ranks when a consumer conducts an internet search. If an individual searches for “running shoes San Francisco,” the results page will list businesses and articles that are rich in those keywords and phrases.
  • What is SERP? 
Not used as widely as SEO, but equally important, is a term referred to as SERP. Search Engine Results Page is the list of articles, blog posts, and business websites a person gets after conducting a keyword search on the internet. Small business owners who want to attract more consumers to their site should aim to be as high as possible on a results page since most consumers will only look through a page or two of results.
  • How Keywords Fit into SEO. 
Many people are under the false impression that keywords are no longer important since Google revamped the way their search engine picks them up. Keywords and phrases are still important because they’re what consumers use to find things on the internet. It’s how and where they’re used that’s changed a bit.
  • The Importance of Quality Content. 
The keywords pertaining to a particular small business can be used naturally in quality web content or in a business blog. For instance, a title insurance company can use the keyword phrase “title insurance” in the title and text to help their site get picked up in a web search. Additional keywords can help even further, such as the business’s location or any special services they offer.
  • Spread the Word with Social Media Marketing. 
Promoting new web content and blog posts on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, or other social media venues will also help small businesses rise in the search engine ranks due to the multiple exposure received through marketing.
Let SEO Help with Business-Building
Business owners wanting to draw more attention to their websites can get started with SEO today. Begin slowly by changing some of the wording and descriptions on the business website. Add quality content that’s SEO-rich to a business blog. Then promote these changes with social media marketing.
Buzz terms like “search engine optimization” and “search engine results page” can sound intimidating to those who don’t consider themselves to be internet-savvy. Don’t let tech lingo be the one thing that gets in the way of reaching business-building goals. Using SEO to the advantage of the business is easier to do than it sounds and can begin making an impact right away.
Published: June 28, 2013

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Mary Ylisela

Mary Ylisela is a veteran writer who addresses topics such as business-building and work-life balance for entrepreneurs. When not writing, she helps clients build their business brand, similar to the way Steve Wynn has with his businesses.

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