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Learn How to Establish a Sense of Urgency

By: Deb Bixler


As in any business, in party plan when you can establish a sense of urgency your guests will be more proactive in their purchases or bookings. Take the time to learn how to establish a sense of urgency at your shows and it will pay off in bookings and sales!

Many Ways To Establish A Sense Of Urgency
There are many ways to establish a sense of urgency at a home party. It just takes some planning!
  • Using a paper calendar at your show that really looks busy provides a sense of urgency for bookings. Learn more about why you should use and write a schedule on a hard copy calendar.
  • When you use unique and different theme parties each month, you will be able to create a sense of urgency by promoting each month’s theme one at a time. Never discuss the month down the road until next month is full!
  • Seasonal offerings are also great ways to generate urgency in your audience.
These can be themes that are appropriate to the season or items that one would need for the upcoming season.
“Get your feet ready for bathing suit season now with our luxurious pedicure soak.”
“Learn how to make a holiday centerpiece on a dollar store budget at our November parties.”
“This item is perfect for Summer entertaining and when you order it today it will be delivered to you in time for the Memorial Day picnic!”
Script Out Your Lines!
People who have great shows understand that a good party plan sales demo does not happen by accident. Script out your party lines in advance in order to create urgency at your shows. Another great tool to create urgency is the old and new catalog.
  • The expiring catalog is a great way to establish urgency for products and bookings.
“August is one of the best months to host a show because it is the last month for our Summer catalog and lots of items will be discounted.”
“There are 15 items in the catalog that will not be available at the next show you attend. They are… (or I put them all on this list)”
“This is one of my favorites and unfortunately it is one of our discontinued items, so get it now!”
  • Using the new catalog the very next month should also create a sense of urgency.
“Show attendance is always high in September…. everyone loves to see the new products first!”
  • The company’s monthly specials can always be used as a technique to establish urgency as well. Use both the bookings and product specials as a way to get people to take action now!
“The XYZ is only available to January hosts!”
“This item is a bonus when you buy the XYZ as a February special this month!”
Like an infomercial, your party will become more powerful when you present with a sense of urgency. Take the time to make your plan on how you establish a sense of urgency and you will see your sales and bookings go up!
This article was originally published by Home Party Plan Training Center
Published: September 17, 2013

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Deb Bixler

Direct sales party plan educator, Deb Bixler, host of the Cash Flow Show - Direct Sales Radio is the leading authority for home party plan business training. Recognized worldwide, Deb provides corporate consultancy, party plan coaching, online and live training events as well as social media management for the home business consultant.

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