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How to Source Free (and Legal) Images for Your Business

When it comes to repurposing content, the sheer scale and freedom of the internet can make it feel like anything goes. The barrage of retweeting, reblogging and reposting demands a constant supply of new content,…

6 Ways to Make Your B2B Website More Trustworthy

Your website is your first impression to the world, and a trustworthy website gives you a leg up on competition. With competition consistently increasing, authenticity is essential to your online presence. This is especially important…

Is Xero the Right Accounting Software for You?

The task of managing all your accounting records can prove to be a serious challenge, particularly for a small business with a large quantity of transactions taking place throughout the course of a normal business…

Hackers, Stay Away: Protect Your Social Media Marketing Today

For many small businesses, social media marketing is a tool to get your message out to potential customers cheaply. So many small businesses have turned do it, and are putting information on it that they…

5 Ways to Maximize Your Brand Identity with Web Design

The majority of businesses have a company website, in order to promote their products or services. A website can allow your business to collect customer data, like demographics, behaviors and interests, which can then be…

6 Must-Have Web Tools for Entrepreneurs

These days, there are tons of web tools out there solving all sorts of problems. There are a few I find myself using on a daily basis to help run my business more efficiently and…

What Turns Visitors into Loyal Customers?

E-commerce is the business platform of the present and the future. Traditional bricks-and-mortar shops will probably always be with us, but e-commerce is the business economy which is exploding worldwide. Making an e-business profitable is…

Why to Say Yes to Outsourcing Software Development and How to Do It Right

Software development, in most cases, is better left to your own in-house development team. Hiring a local software development company still remains the best option…or is it? All those stereotypes that Czechs brew the best…

5 Steps to Better Small Business Security

It’ѕ hard tо bе рrоасtіvе and соnсеrnеd with threats уоu’vе never еxреrіеnсеd fіrѕt-hаnd. This іѕ why many buѕіnеѕѕ оwnеrѕ tурісаllу wait untіl аftеr a cyber аttасk before they аmр up their protection аnd іmрrоvе thеіr…

7 Small Business Tools to Run a Million Dollar Business

Today, I’m speaking at a local community college. It’s the Entrepreneurs club that invited me. The topic I’ve been asked to speak about is a simple one… share my experience starting and growing a small…

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