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First-Party Data Marketing: 3 Powerful Use Cases

Marketing has undergone a dramatic shift in its approach and implementation. Gone are the days when it was solely based on assumptions or speculations. Now, marketing is based on reliable and authentic customer data, which…

Gaining Google’s Trust is the Best Local SEO Strategy

Without Google’s trust, your best local SEO efforts are for naught. A guy comes to your house, says he can add a room, fix your roof, and install new windows. He gives you an estimate…

4 Insider Secrets To Make You Thrive As An Online Retailer

While starting an exciting venture as an online retailer is an exceptional idea that can ideally ensure you are able to create a stable income, although, there’s no denying that entrepreneurship is no walk in…

Tired of Streaming? Try Watching a DVD During the COVID-19 Quarantine

COVID-19 has isolated us from our larger communities. This deadly virus has made us so helpless that we cannot do anything other than work and stay in our homes. We miss the many activities that…

Security and Usability: 3 Ways You Can Have Both

While surfing the web, you can come across a debate in the business world that you can either have security or usability, but not both. Historically, usability trumped security. There was no way for the…

5 Ways Businesses Can Leverage Technology to Survive COVID-19

Using the right technology as leverage is one of the best ways to improve your business. From small businesses to entrepreneurs, companies can leverage technology to secure themselves a place in the accelerating landscape of…

4 Ways To Train Employees On New Software

Business owners and managers are scrambling to digitize their operations and equip their workforce with the tech literacy they need to thrive during Covid-19 and beyond. But many are stumbling or failing outright when it…

TOP 5 Machine Learning Courses in 2020

Machine learning is finally at the stage when not only computer scientists can utilize it efficiently, but businesses as well. This technology can help with customer personalization, determining where and when to invest resources, calculating…

The Art of Better Conference Calls With Clients

Have you ever participated in a conference call with a client that you felt was unproductive or frustrating? It’s safe to say if you’re in business, you’ve probably had at least one of these, and…

6 Software Systems that are Essential for Every Startup

Starting a business is never easy. You have a lot of things to manage simultaneously. You make many mistakes and every single one of them contributes to damaging your business. An easy way to minimize…

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