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dark fiber optics

Everything You Need to Know About Dark Fiber: Pros & Cons

Dark fiber is turning out to be a popular choice for organizations and businesses that want higher connectivity speed. The technology also allows them to have more control over the connectivity. It has encouraged many…

Improving Data Integrity at Your Small Business

The challenges of running a small business manifest themselves before you can even get it off the ground. There’s capital, human resources, defining your product, building it, generating leads, acquiring customers, and much more. Another…

big data

Google Algorithm: 5 Ways to Prepare for Updates

Google updates its algorithm frequently, causing fluctuations in search engine rankings. This can be frustrating for business owners who are trying to maintain their website’s visibility. In this post, we will discuss five ways to…

E D I software

5 Reasons It’s a Great Time to Invest in EDI Software

Now is the time to implement EDI (electronic data interchange) in your business, as it helps organizations to continue their growth. Numerous companies are interested in EDI software as they’ve seen how much value it…

testing browser operations

Comparison Of Cypress And Selenium 4 to Test Browser Operations

Selenium and Cypress are test technologies that automate browser operations to perform functional testing on online applications. Selenium has been around for a long time, but Cypress is a relatively new test community. Even though…

When It Comes to Big Data, You Must Understand Velocity

Velocity, one of the V’s in big data, focuses on two things: how fast data pours into a business and how quickly data is processed. While Velocity problems are primarily technical, adaptability in a business…

Ultimate 5 Step Guide to SaaS Business Hyper-Growth in 2022

Software as a Service(SaaS) is an approach where applications are delivered over the internet. SaaS businesses have seen massive growth due to the increased demand for remote work and the enormous adoption of cloud-based software….

The Advantages of Using Work Order Software 

Work order software is one of the many modern technologies that help improve the workflow of many businesses, particularly in the service and maintenance industry. People can now easily create, track, and manage projects because…


What Every Business Owner Should Know About Web Design

Every business in the modern era needs a website, but most business owners don’t understand the fundamentals of web design. They simply trust someone else to take care of everything on their behalf, or they…

industrial food manufacturing equipment

5 Critical Features of Food Manufacturing Software 

Food manufacturing software is a type of business software that enables companies to streamline and scale up operations while reducing costs and complying with stricter regulatory and customer requirements quickly and easily. This type of…

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