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6 Time-Saving Apps to Boost Your Productivity

As a founder of a start up I make every second of each day count. This sounds a bit dramatic but like most passionate people I wake up every day wanting to squeeze the most out of every minute that I’m awake, so I’m always on the look out for anything that makes me more efficient.

Could You Improve Your Ecommerce Site?

Ecommerce sites have grown immensely in popularity over the past few years with companies like eBay and Amazon dominating the field. That being said, many smaller companies that are just starting out tend to fall to the wayside in the shadow of these giants.

Osmosis Streamlines Projects into More Billable Work

Work without pay? Unless you’re a masochist or working for charity, nothing could be worse. Yet professionals put in a lot of effort all the time drafting proposals, dealing with projects run amok, and battling to collect payment, with nothing extra to show for their energy spent. Just part of the job? No. There’s a better way to do things.

Meet People at Conferences with Topi

As demonstrated by the popularity of Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, social media can be valuable to businesses as a promotional tool and a networking opportunity.

6 Reasons Old Business Phone Systems Are Costing You a Fortune

The NEC phone systems companies install most are giving those companies a tremendous advantage over companies running older enterprise phone systems. Digital phone systems provide so many advantages that reduce costs and improve efficiency that it makes no sense to continue running a company with an outdated business phone system.

What to Consider Before White Labeling Your App

For many mobile, software or Web app-based startups, the initial inspiration for the business stems from the discovery of something that’s missing in the marketplace. At first, their dogged pursuit of providing the optimal solution is enough to keep them going.

PayPal and Customer Management Package

For businesses that use PayPal for money management or otherwise dabble in the world of software tools, PayPal’s Cash and Customer Management Package offers a unique opportunity to purchase several management software accounts under a single subscription plan for $90/month

Top 5 Business Video Conferencing Platforms of 2013

We have entered into the age of video communication, and almost every professional will agree, it’s a beautiful era! Less travel, less money, less time wasted during the traverse from meeting to meeting and best of all, a heightened level of communication and efficiency!

Protecting Your Data When Staff Leave

As with any business crisis, if you get a robust plan in place to deal with it before it happens, it can lessen the damage done. The same goes for planning what you need to do to protect company data when a staff member leaves.

Basecamp Project Management Software

Successful project management can be achieved in business through proper organization and clarity in collaboration amongst team members. Project management software is useful in helping businesses store and share valuable project information with team members.

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