Personal Readiness

Get Motivated: Top 5 Reasons to Go and Start Your Own Business

Each day you go to work. You get up, get dressed, and fight the morning traffic to tackle the stressors of working your 9 to 5 job. During your monotonous journey each day, have you…

Starting a T-Shirt Printing Business? Here’s What You Need to Know

With the availability of online storefronts, nearly anyone can own a business. If you have an eye for graphic design and want to make a few dollars, you could even open your own t-shirt printing…

8 Questions You Should Ask Yourself Before You Start a Business

It has now become easier than ever to start a business. But while the world of business has been democratized, it is as easy as ever to fail. Not everyone is fit to run a…

Advice to Young People Looking to be Entrepreneurs

How does a young person work towards a career in entrepreneurship? I was asked this question on Quora. Here’s my answer. It’s a marathon, not a sprint. Make sure you focus on your education while…

We Need Entrepreneurs Who Think Like Revolutionaries

The realm of an entrepreneur is all about change, but in my experience as a mentor to business founders, I hear too much about incremental change, and not enough about revolutionary change. Adding a couple of…

3 Biggest Challenges New Entrepreneurs Face When First Starting Out

For many people, becoming an entrepreneur is the equivalent of living the American Dream. Being able to work as often as you want, when you want, and most importantly, not having to answer to anyone……

7 Tips for Veterans Looking to Start a Business in 2020

The skills that veterans learn while serving the nation transfer well into the business world. If you’re a veteran who’s been thinking about going into business, there are plenty of resources to help you test…

Successful People Deal in Truths

Those who tend to be most successful in life (both business and personal) deal in truths. They learn and they understand the laws; the truths of nature, including human nature, physical nature, and economic nature….

Using Technology to Gateway into Entrepreneurship

Your knowledge is unique to you, something no one can ever take away from you. Saying this, your knowledge can be one of your most beneficial assets in a plethora of scenarios. When finances are…

Q&A with the Author of The Self Reliant Entrepreneur

John Jantsch is a marketing consultant, speaker, and best-selling author of Duct Tape Marketing, The Referral Engine, Duct Tape Selling, The Commitment Engine, and SEO for Growth. He’s also a supportive colleague whom I admire. His newest book, The Self-Reliant Entrepreneur:…

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