Personal Readiness
Small Biz Interview: SmartyPants Vitamins
How does one transition from biometric anti-terrorism technology to the world of health and wellness? The two are not that unrelated, in fact. Courtney Nichols Gould has a passion for complex environments that require problem-solving…
Stop Struggling. Start Succeeding.
If the thought of making your own schedule, creating your own business strategy, and operating a business according to your own values and goals sound intriguing, you’re not alone. Sure, there are a lot of…
Entrepreneurs: Born or Made?
If you’ve heard it once, you’ve heard it a million times: “why are you an entrepreneur?” Early on you knew that the entrepreneur lifestyle was for you and overtime it evolved to be part of…
4 Essential Tips for Beginning Entrepreneurs
Congratulations! Inspired by the 10% of new businesses that succeed, rather than daunted by the 90% that don’t, you’re ready to become an entrepreneur. You’ve got ideas, talents and abilities in which are worth investing…
The 3 Words That Matter Most to Entrepreneurs
There is a growing and costly language gap between big businesses and startups, and the stakes have never been higher. News flash #1: Startups could really use the help of large businesses. Established companies have the systems, brand…
The Limits of Your Knowledge
I don’t know everything. That might sound like an obvious statement, and I would hope that every other person would be willing to admit as much, too. But even after acknowledging the limits of your…
Service Professionals Join the Entrepreneur Ranks
The era of stable lifetime jobs for business professionals within a single company are gone. Companies are rightsized quickly now as markets change rapidly, and business professionals are quick to jump to new opportunities for growth…
Interview: The Sweet Taste of Success
Maayan Zilberman is a designer, artist, and the candy maker behind Sweet Saba. She lives in and works in New York City. EMPLOYEES 3 LOCATION New York, NY INDUSTRY Candy FOUNDED 2015 WEB The…
3 Reasons Women Should Consider Freelancing in Today’s Market
Since I was young, I’ve had a personality trait that doesn’t work well with authority. Thankfully, I’ve discovered positive outlets like entrepreneurship, but it can be tricky to wrangle for those who work 9-to-5 jobs….
Where Top Entrepreneurs Started and Where They’re Going
Starting a business can be stressful. There’s a lot to consider. What if someone comes up with the same idea and they beat you to the punch? What if you can’t find the right team…