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5 Hottest Franchise Options for Veterans and Why

According to the International Franchise Association (IFA), veterans own one out of every seven franchises in the United States. Why? Franchising allows veterans to translate the very same skills and knowledge gained while serving our…

“Love What You Do” Won’t Build Your Business, But These 6 Steps Will

Start-ups abound, but not all of them have the staying power. The Small Business Association says that “only half of new businesses will survive the first five years and only a third will make it…

Avoid “The Tyranny of the New Office” Syndrome

One of the most obvious observations I make with growing company CEO’s is that planning for a new office is done with an optimistic view of the future, incorporating planned space that compromises only slightly…

5 Ways to Know if Your Small Business Has Franchise Potential

It’s important as a small business owner to evaluate different options to expand your business in the future. One choice that can be very attractive is franchising. It could allow your business to grow quicker…

Does Your Small Business Fit One of My Stereotypes?

I was thinking about all the different types of small businesses where I’ve been through my life and began to wonder if I could categorize them – even stereotype them. It has a lot to…

Sign Short Term Leases Early On, and Move As You Grow

Avoid long-term commitments. It is statistically true that at least half of the young companies funded by angel or venture investors will not survive three years from funding to demise, and more than that percentage…

3 Basic Recipes to Improve Your Restaurant Without Breaking the Bank

Running a restaurant business is by no means an easy task. The food and beverage industry is not only rife with heavy competition, but requires a substantial investment of both time and money as well….

The Growth Dilemma

Adapted from the upcoming book The Growth Dilemma: Determining Your Entrepreneurial Type to Find Your Financing Comfort Zone. If you ask me to describe the primary tension that has kept me awake over the past…

Planning to Start a Small Business in 2018? Follow These Tips

If you’re planning to start a small business in 2018, you may not realize everything you need to do to hit the ground running. Needless to say, it takes more than just putting an “open…

How to Design an Office Where People Want to Work

Every company has reason to reevaluate their office layout from time to time. From accommodating growth through office expansion to remodeling your space with the goal of increasing productivity, you hold the power to transform…

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