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3 Habits of Highly Successful Startup Founders

By: Brian Wallace


Habits of Highly Successful Startup Founders

Starting a business is never easy. You are often the only person in the company, which means that you will have to wear multiple hats. Customer service problem? It’s up to you to fix it. Supply chain problem? You again. Complaints being posted on your social media sites? Yep, that’s you too.

It can often seem as though there just aren’t enough hours in the day to get it all accomplished. Being an entrepreneur is a driving force and successful entrepreneurs have a few habits that set themselves apart.

Starting a successful business requires setting goals and testing them to make sure you are on the right track. What is the purpose of the business and how will it change over the next five years? You have to be willing to change courses when the market demands it and you have to be able to see the changes coming. You also need to be able to conduct small scale experiments before scaling up so that you aren’t wasting time and valuable resources on concepts that aren’t going to work in the long run.

But it’s more than just the nuts and bolts of turning an idea into a successful business that sets startup founders apart. They also possess a superhuman drive to network. When you are building a business from the ground up you will need to build a huge network of professionals around you so that you can call on them when you need them and vice versa.

It’s important to know when something is outside your capabilities and when you should call in reinforcements. Part of being a successful entrepreneur is knowing your strengths and weaknesses and acting accordingly. Don’t forget to maintain your current network in the process!

In order to know your own strengths and weaknesses you will have to delve deep into your own personality traits. Know your Myers-Briggs assessment results and other personality test results. This will help you to zero in on what you need help with and what you can do yourself. It can also help you to recognize the success and failure in your startup ideas.

It takes more than just showing up to be a successful business leader. Learn more about the habits of highly successful startup founders from this infographic. Do you have what it takes to launch a successful startup and build it into a long term successful small business?

Published: January 29, 2018

Source: Insurance Quotes

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Brian Wallace

Brian Wallace

Brian Wallace is the Founder and President of NowSourcing, an industry leading infographic design agency based in Louisville, KY and Cincinnati, OH which works with companies that range from startups to Fortune 500s. Brian also runs #LinkedInLocal events nationwide, hosts the Next Action Podcast, and has been named a Google Small Business Advisor for 2016-2018.

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