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What Your Logo Can Do for You

If you’re not using a visual language to speak to your audience, then you’re ignoring a huge opportunity to capture their attention without saying a word.

It’s Mostly in the Execution

“Everybody’s got a plan—until they are punched in the face,” stated boxer Mike Tyson. My experience personally reviewing over three hundred executive summaries each year, all sent to me unsolicited, seems to bear out the truth in Tyson’s statement.

Why the Sole Prop May Not Be Right for You

Considered the simplest business structure, the sole proprietorship is owned and operated by one person, and there’s no legal distinction between the owner and the business. It’s 100% legal for an entrepreneur to operate as a sole proprietor, but that doesn’t necessarily mean you should.

A Family Business? Every Business Should Be

While plenty of empirical evidence can be found to delineate both advantages and disadvantages to working with family, we’re here today to focus on the key benefits of obtaining that all important “buy-in” from your significant other.

5 Items Your Business Needs to Stay Organized and Efficient

To improve efficiency in a commercial environment you must first get organized. If you have noticed that inefficiency and disorganization is leading to diminished productivity, the key is to take action now.

Pick the Entrepreneur Lifestyle Alternative for You

You are an aspiring entrepreneur, eager to dump the corporate grind, and work to the beat of your own drummer, but you can’t come up with that killer idea to save the world. What are the alternatives that will give you the independence you crave, and challenge your business acumen?

If You Love What You Do the Money Will Come?

You have heard this advice at least once: Do what you love and the money will follow or do what you love and it won’t feel like work. It seems easy but it’s not.

Big Changes in Franchise Marketing

When comparing franchise brands, look at who plays a role in the marketing of the franchise and where franchisee fit into it. See whether the company is responding to changes in consumer behavior and preferences, or sticking with tried and true even when it’s no longer working. You might discover something very important to your decisions.

Taking Action: From MVP to Profitable Small Business in One Month

How long did you wait to start your business? A week… a month… a year? Almost everyone I know has one major regret when it comes to their business: that they didn’t start sooner.

The 3-Step Dance: Creating a Great Company

Creating a great company in a relative vacuum is an exercise in complete trust that the entrepreneur knows what’s best for the customer. I’ve developed the three step dance in order to help form a repeatable method of how to create a great company from an early idea.

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