Do You Have What It Takes to Be Your Own Boss?
A changing economy means businesses are also changing how they’re being run. Working as your own boss is becoming an increasingly more appealing option for both existing and aspiring business owners in 2014, but requires careful planning and self-management to be done properly.
Using Passion to Fuel Your Business When the Odds Are Stacked Against You
Pursuing your passion is exciting and can lead to great success, but you have to follow certain principles. Here are a few insights I picked up throughout my journey.
Hottest Trends in Franchising
What are the hottest trends in franchising? Think of franchising as a funnel, and let’s look at the trends with the broadest application first and move down toward the narrowest trends.
Sir Sidney Poitier’s Inspiring Advice
If your heart is burning to share your message, talents or gifts, and you, too, are determined to work at your craft with gusto, you can call yourself whatever you choose. Now, your task is working towards that goal.
Taking Control: Is Your Company Ready to Run Its Own Marketing Platform?
The ability to convey messages clearly and effectively to your target market can position you as a leader in your industry and drive profits. But knowing the right time to run a marketing platform in-house—and how to implement it successfully—can be tricky.
Are You In It Alone?
I left my day job and opened up shop as an entrepreneur 21 years ago. And, though I didn’t know it then, that was the day my father stopped understanding me.
Convert a Non-Commercial Space into an Inspiring Office
A couple of years ago, a start-up incubator in Stockholm received plenty of publicity when it converted a former Greek Orthodox Church into a co-working space for start-ups.
5 Entrepreneur Ideas That Investors See Too Often
In some cases, these are concepts that have already been done too many times, and the space is crowded. In others, the concept has been tried too many times, or no one has yet succeeded in making any money. Or both. Here are my favorites.