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Where Do Powerful Ideas Hide?

Inspiration. It seems abundant one day and scarce the next, its unreliable tendencies taunt you constantly and it’s starting to show in your business.

How Entrepreneurs Attract Friends, Family and Fools

Many first-time entrepreneurs find themselves unable to bootstrap their startups, and also unable to find early funding at the venture capital level or even with angel investors.

5 of the Most Exciting Startup Cities in Europe to Get Funding

While a lot of people may instantly think of startups being confined to the likes of Silicon Valley and Canada, the world of enterprise has a far wider reach than first meets the eye.

Small is Beautiful: 8 Ways to Outshine Your Big Business Rivals

If you are a small business owner, you may worry about being outmatched by corporations and major chains. But sometimes being the underdog has its advantages.

How Will Franchising Affect Your Family?

When you’re getting ready to make your franchise business investment, it makes sense to think about how your life will change once you’re a franchisee. But you may also want to think about how your family’s lives will change.

Dream On: How to Visualize Success for You and Your Company

CEOs are dreamers who took a small idea and turned it into something huge. It can be as simple as starting a boutique marketing agency, or expanding your services overseas.

These 8 Groups of People Will Never Start a Business

Every entrepreneur I know is dismayed by the number of friends who approach them with a line such as “I have an even better idea that will change the world, and one of these days I’m going to get around to starting my own business.”

A Checklist for Better Decision Making

Whether you are a franchise business owner or an entrepreneur, the choices you make each day will have a huge impact on yourself and others. Make sure the choices you make are the right ones with this quick checklist.

3 Ways to Make Your Brand More Magnetic

The average consumer is exposed to 5,000 marketing messages every day, according to a fastcompany.com article. Marketing messages are relentlessly pushed at consumers—on the road, online, in line at the grocery store.

Seasonal Franchises: A Good Thing?

We’ve seen toy stores that made 90% of the year’s revenue in the run-up to Christmas, wedding services that were busy all summer and scraped along through the winter, and tax services that didn’t even stay open outside of tax season.

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