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Business Structure Types for Entrepreneurs

CorpNet CEO Nellie Akalp joins me to discuss business structure types including the sole proprietorship, LLC, and corporation. We focus mainly on the difference between LLCs and S-Corps, which are the two most popular business structures used by small businesses today.

How to Build Your Brand and New Firm’s Business

There is no doubt that today’s consumers are savvier than ever before. This creates challenges for today’s businesses that could never have even been imagined in decades past.

3 Crucial Marketing Skills All Entrepreneurs Should Have

As an entrepreneur, I wear many hats. I’m my company’s chief accountant, salesperson, strategist and product-builder. I’m responsible for making sure that my business stays thriving six months and six years from now. It’s exhausting, scary and highly rewarding—all at once.

5 Ways to Finance Your Business Expansion

Whether you want to increase sales, introduce a new product, launch your services in another city or country, or venture into a different line of business, you will have to spend a substantial amount of money.

7 Pros and Cons of Entrepreneurship

It’s a dream of so many individuals to one day have their own company. In America, entrepreneurship is often viewed as a primary barometer of success.

8 Insights for Startups to Attract Angel Investors

Above all, remember that angels are really business people, just like you and me. They expect you to always show integrity and respect for their position.

5 Things to Consider When Finding a Location for Your Business

When you are starting a business, one of the most exciting steps is finding the location. It makes things seem really real. It can be a very vindicating, motivating event.

7 Tips for Maximizing the Power of Brand Advocates

For startups and small businesses, when it comes to allocating marketing dollars, value is the most important word. We all seek to gain maximum value and exposure with limited budgets.

Developing Natural Audience: Lessons from the Creative World

You’re an entrepreneur. You’ve identified a need that aches to be filled, and you’re building a business designed to fill the gap. The question is, how are you going to connect with the people who will become your allies, champions, loyal customers and clients?

7 Steps for Establishing the Right Business Model

Most technical entrepreneurs focus hard on building an innovative product, but forget that an elegant solution doesn’t automatically translate into a successful business.

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