Creating a Plan

3 Strategies for Making Money from Home

Making money online can seem like a “get rich scheme” to some and to others a seemingly unreachable goal. Today, we are going to look at a few legitimate ways to earn money online, even…

Thinking of Opening a Restaurant? Map Out Your Vision

Opening a new restaurant is a peculiar mix of exciting and daunting. The industry is not exactly the birthplace of many get-rich-quick success stories: a lot of restaurants fail within the first year of doing…

5 Signs a Potential Partner Could Hurt Your Business

Starting a business venture with a friend sounds like a great plan—what could go wrong? If they’ve been a loyal friend and a positive influence on your life, why wouldn’t they do the same for…

Can Your Business Survive the Traditional Life Cycle?

Successful startups seem to follow similar paths to greatness, and unfortunately all too often that path leads them back down the hill much faster than they went up. Big company powerhouses, like IBM and Xerox,…

How to Start Your Home-Based Business

Many people want to own their own business, but a much smaller number actually take the leap. 69% of men and 58% of women say that they aim to be their own bosses, yet only four percent of Americans…

6 Keys to a Great Name for Your Business

Picking the perfect name when you start a business is an essential step on your entrepreneurial journey. It needs to be done first before you begin your logo design. Whether you want a funny name…

10 Most Common High Tech Business Plan Fails

I was asked about high-tech business plan fails on Quora recently. So this isn’t about lean plans for all business owners, but just the business plans submitted for angel investment and business plan competitions. I read about…

5 Tips for Writing a Business Plan

Writing a business plan is the first step in starting a business after you decide you are going to do it. It is tedious, not really the fun part, but it is one of the…

4 Ways the Gig Economy Can Help a Startup

In today’s business world, the gig economy combined with the unique startup company model are overhauling the traditional 9-5 job experience that most workers have grown accustomed to. Together, this is creating a new norm…

When Making Early Hires at Your Startup, Lean on Your Networks

Hiring your first few employees can often be as hard as choosing your co-founders. Especially in the early days of your startup, when you’re often only months from running out of money, hiring the wrong…

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