Creating a Plan

8 Big Company Habits That Don’t Work in a New Venture

When I hear executives and professionals in larger businesses talking about their dream of going out on their own to start a new company, I always cringe. I have been there and done that. They…

Don’t Rest Until You Test!

So, you have a great new product or service that you and your associates love. Early adopters should climb all over each other for a look. But what have you done to test the concept…

Everything Changes from Concept to Release

You can take this headline as a rule, not an exception. You’ll recognize the truism, “No battle plan ever survives contact with the enemy” first stated by German Field Marshall von Moltke way back in the 19th century….

10 Small Biz Opportunities in the Music Industry

If you’ve always loved music, and are looking for a way to turn your hobby into a business, you should know that there are more opportunities to make money in the music industry than ever…

Why Healthcare Startups are the Next Frontier for Small Business Gurus

For entrepreneurs, the past few decades have been marked by the wild success of tech startups. Companies that can literally trace their origins back to garages have come to see remarkable growth. These days, there…

6 Mistakes Preventing You from Making Your First Million Dollars

For entrepreneurs, making their first million is a sign that they have made it. Starting a business is tough and at the beginning, it seems like all the money just goes out and not enough…

10 Lessons for Running Your Own Architecture Practice

Architect Craig Applegath, founding principal of DIALOG’s studio in Toronto, Canada, knows how challenging it is to run a practice. With 25 years of experience and overseeing 150 employees, he understands the excitement and anxiety that goes hand-in-hand…

5 Essential Tips on Opening a Sports Business

If you have a passion for sports and want to become a successful entrepreneur, starting a sports business might be a good idea. According to analysts, the sports industry is one of the biggest in…

4 Immediate Improvements Every Startup Can Make

It is like they say—a thousand startups, a thousand different problems. And then some. Every startup has its own problems and thinking there is a formula that could fix all of them would be foolish….

9 Ways to Spot an Opportunity for a New Business

As an advisor to startups and entrepreneurs, I often hear the myth that all new businesses must start with a great idea. I have to disagree. I believe the best entrepreneurs start by finding a…

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