Marketing Innovations

How Are You Evaluating Your Clients?

While I’d like to think we make good decisions based entirely on gut instinct, there are often hidden red flags. One tool we have implemented with success in our company is a client scorecard that rates our clients and their fit for us, past and prospective.

How to Turn Your Customers into Company Evangelists

Ever wonder how companies like Apple are able to get its customers to advertise for them? That company has some of the most enthusiastic users on the planet. Apple’s secret? Education.

Youtility: Smart Marketing About Help Not Hype

Jay Baer’s new book, Youtility: Why Smart Marketing Is about Help Not Hype, comes out this week. As one of the marketers who received an advance copy, I want to share some highlights with you, especially because they make so much sense.

Standing Out at a Trade Show

Trade shows are events that can help businesses gain new customers, connect with existing customers, and get the exposure that they need. In order to stand out from the crowd, there are many things you can do.

In Marketing the Constant Is Change

There are lots of ways to stay current but it all starts with the attitude of recognizing that it’s a part of your job and it’s one of the ways you keep your company relevant and profitable.

Why Animated Videos Are Powerful Tools for B2B Companies

For B2B companies, where consumers are not direct customers, video can prove to be more advantageous. And when it is about video, the Animated Video Production is definitely an effective tool.

Looking for the Light Bulb

Coming up with blog topics can be stressful even for experienced writers, and is especially hard for small business owners who are focused on other tasks. Many are afraid to start blogs because they worry they won’t be able to come up with enough topics. Even experts in their industry who have enough knowledge to write a book sometimes share these fears. Three simple methods can help any blog writer find that light bulb idea that helps them create value-added content for their readers.

A 5-Step Beginner’s Guide to Video Marketing

Video marketing: You’ve heard the experts talk about it, the gurus blog about it, and your business peers rave about it, but how do you get started?  What is the first step to creating your own engaging video content, and how can you share your videos with the world?

Is Podcasting the Hot New Media Trend?

Podcasting was cool when I started blogging four years ago, but as social media became fashionable, Facebook and Twitter made podcasting look a tad obsolescent and dowdy. So why is podcasting having a resurrection? It is due to two key factors.

Are You Leveraging Your Brand Advocates?

Every organization, from small businesses to nonprofits, has brand advocates. They are the people who toot your horn, recommend your products, services, or mission, and share their passion with many others.

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