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How to Turn Your Customers into Company Evangelists

By: Under30CEO



Ever wonder how companies like Apple are able to get its customers to advertise for them? That company has some of the most enthusiastic users on the planet. Apple’s secret? Education. But not just any kind of education. It educates its customers on the essentials of how to use its devices. If you want your customers to sing your praises, and advertise your company for free, you need to come up with a way to educate them on the essentials.

Educate Consumers On Pricing Models
It’s not always clear why your products are priced the way they are—especially if users have never done business with you before. Explain why your products are priced the way they are. One of the best positions to be in is to be a company that sells expensive products and services.
There’s always a market for high quality, but consumers need to be educated on why they should pay your prices. Companies such as the Lenstore often demonstrate the value of their products by reference to competitors or by explaining some special manufacturing process that justifies the additional expense.
Your company needs to have a special value proposition that others can’t match. If you offer discounts or specials, make it clear why you’re discounting. Is it because there is some kind of surplus? Are you trying to make room for a new product line? Is there a cosmetic defect that doesn’t affect performance, but may affect some buyers’ tastes? All these are reasons for discounting, but they need to be conveyed to your marketplace.
Educate Users On The Marketplace
There are many players in the restaurant market. You have fast-food joints, and then you have 5-star restaurants. Some places cater to vegetarians, while others serve primarily meat dishes (e.g., smokehouses and steakhouses). Show your customers where you fit in the marketplace. Are you a Walmart or a Whole Foods? Are you a Honda or a Mercedes?
Teaching your customers where you fit in the marketplace helps them to understand what they should expect from you. If you position yourself as an exclusive brand, you’ll likely alienate those seeking low prices. However, those people probably won’t make for good customers anyway. If you position yourself as “affordable,” or “budget friendly,” then clients with high-expectations will be disappointed if you can’t offer them 5-star service.
Educate Consumers On Existing Technologies and Manufacturing Processes
BMW doesn’t have a problem selling its automobiles. Its customers understand that they pay a premium price and receive a premium product. However, BMW also educates its customers on the technologies used in its vehicles that set it apart from a lower-class automobile manufacturer.
When you reach out to your marketplace, make sure you educate clients on who else is out there sharing space with you. If you have a special technology or unique feature not common to other similar products and services – explain that. For example, BMW employs a variable valve timing system on its engines. The result is that BMW is able to deliver amazing power and efficiency out of its engines. All of this technology comes at a cost, however.
Educate Consumers On Hold and Via Newsletters
One way to keep customers “in the loop” is to educate them via newsletters and while they’re on hold. Life Extension Foundation is an excellent example of a company that educates its customer with a monthly magazine. Each month, the company sends out a magazine with information about amazing new health discoveries. Often, Life Extension is on the forefront of the health and nutrition industry, and is months—if not years—ahead of the mainstream media.
It also educates customers about its nutritional supplements, unique blood tests, and its health advisory board they are on hold waiting to speak with someone. If you have innovative or groundbreaking news about your industry, try to educate your customers while they are on hold with automated messages. Use magazines, newsletters, and special email announcements. Your customers, and your bank account, will thank you.
This article was originally published by Under 30 CEO
Chelsea Miller is a website marketing specialist. Her articles mainly appear on marketing blogs where she gets to share her insights.
Published: July 1, 2013

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