Marketing Innovations
5 Steps to Using Content Pillars for Content Efficiency
I’m a huge fan of this concept: you create one awesome piece of content that’s truly engaging, useful, and delightful for your audience and then break it up into different sized chunks and deliver across a variety of mediums. This content tactic is called a “Content Pillar Strategy.”
Are You Tuned in to SMS Marketing?
Although the first text message was sent 22 years ago—before the mainstreaming of email and the Internet—nothing in the technological landslide that has occurred in the last two decades has come along to surpass the popularity and efficiency of short message service (SMS).
The Inbound Marketer vs. the Outbound Marketer
To stay competitive in this changing marketing landscape, it is imperative that you change the way you go about placing your brand in front of your target audience. Gone are the days of old-school marketing techniques like buying ads and email lists and hoping for new leads.
How IBM Used Inbound Marketing to Thrive in the Digital Age
The digital consumer no longer needs to rely on traditional, interruptive outbound marketing tactics from brands trying to control their purchase decisions. They now have an alternative method of discovering and researching brands, of learning about and buying products and services: inbound marketing.
Use Video Whenever Possible
Each video, especially those on the front page of a site, must be compelling, to the point, and short. If you are selling a product, a one to two minute demo that is well edited will work wonders for viewer retention.
Influence Marketing: Filters on the Rise
Since the dawn of consumerism, filters have been influencing buyers’ purchasing decisions by narrowing buyer options to simplify the process of choosing a product or a service from a pool of choices.
Mixing Content Marketing and Trade Shows
Implementing a content marketing strategy into all aspects of your business model is a must in today’s economy, regardless of the environment. For instance, there are several ways to combine content marketing and trade shows.
Get the Most Out of Marketing with Your Small Business
To effectively market to your customers and potential customers, you need to know what will have the greatest impact. This is often achieved through data about your customers.
3 Tips for Creating and Sharing Video Content
With the rise of content marketing, video content has become one of the most effective marketing mediums around. YouTube continues to grow day by day, Facebook has enabled instantaneous video playback in their news feed, and Google has even started to share videos in their search results.