How To Foster Trust With Aging Credit Union Clients
Building and maintaining trust is fundamental for small credit unions, particularly when working with older clientele. Aging clients often rely on longstanding financial relationships for their security and well-being. Trust isn’t just an asset—it’s a…
Is AI Harming Your Sales Efforts?
“Have your robot call my robot.” (said no one ever). As business owners, it’s tempting to leverage technology to automate processes and replace people to make things move faster and easier while reducing impact on our…
Why Veterans Make Great Hires
Honoring members of the military means not only reflecting on their exemplary service, but also appreciating the talents and skills of veterans in the civilian workplace. Their discipline, communication skills, teamwork, and problem-solving abilities are…
5 Steps to Creating a Successful Corporate Gifting Strategy
If you’re looking for ways to improve your relationships with clients, partners, or employees, you’ve probably come across a strategy called corporate gifting. It may sound too simple – can offering presents really do that…
5 Strategies To Maximize Brewery Sales and Revenue
As the brewing industry continues to evolve, businesses are constantly searching for innovative strategies to make them more profitable. With the rise of craft breweries and changing consumer tastes, the industry dynamics have never been…
Quattro Development’s ICSC Return: Building Connections
The International Council of Shopping Centers held its annual meetup at the Las Vegas Convention Center from May 21 to 23, 2023. Quattro Development’s co-founders, Rob Walters and Mike Liyeos, announced that it was the…
Building Stronger Connections: Quattro Development’s Return to ICSC
The International Council of Shopping Centers held its annual meetup at the Las Vegas Convention Center from May 21 to 23, 2023. Quattro Development’s co-founders, Rob Walters and Mike Liyeos, announced that it was the…
How Smart Brands Increase Customer Retention Rates with Digital Transformation
It’s impossible to find brands that still run on the traditional system of operations. Every brand you find is either undergoing digital transformation or preparing to undergo digital transformation. In fact, a recent report by…
The Five “Whys”
The “5 Whys” is a tool developed decades ago, attributed to Sakichi Toyoda in developing the Toyota Production System. Anyone involved in TQM or Lean knows about the “5 Whys,” and how to leverage them….
Wishing You a Bright & Happy New Year!
We’re off for the holiday weekend–see you back here on Monday!