Advertising and Lead Generation

Stay on Top of Your Seasonal Advertisements

For a glance at the latest in small business ad ideas, check out your local monthly magazine. Chock full of creative promotions, regional publications provide a variety of ad options, often with the promise of…

Consumers Pay Attention to Where Your Ads Live and Who Their Neighbors Are

The Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Council came out with a new study that we all need to be aware of as we place our digital ad buys. Nearly half of all consumers indicate they would rethink purchasing…

Seizing Opportunities When Competition Leaves Town

With all your proactive marketing campaigns, increased social media, and a continual eye on customer service, business is booming, right? But as you well know, it’s still a tough economy out there. Not all small…

5 Ways to Turn Today’s Leads into Tomorrow’s Customers

There are a lot of statistics out there that say successful businesses should end up closing about one out of every three calls. But I know from experience that this is often not the case, and I’ll tell you…

9 Advanced Content Marketing Strategies for Small Businesses

Starting a small business can seem like a huge gamble, but the biggest emphasis on your small business is not always the initial or ongoing investment. Your largest influence will be the content marketing strategies…

How to Convert “Likes” into Meaningful Behavior

If one of your social media marketing goals is to get more Facebook “likes,” you need to read this! “Merely liking a brand on Facebook doesn’t change behavior or increase purchasing.” (Harvard Business Review, March-April…

7 Proven Ways to Use Digital Signage in Your Small Business

You’ve probably been to your local fast food chain and noticed that they’ve switched to digital signage for displaying their featured menu items. And if you stop by big stores, you would notice that most…

Go Local: 3 Easy Ways to Create Loyal Customers

Small business owners are becoming savvier about optimizing their brand recognition and conversion rates. One great way to ensure that your small business remains on track to connecting with and converting people is by optimizing…

Follow These 5 Tips to Acquire New Customers

Acquiring customers is often times the hardest part for a new business. In competitive industries, it may seem near impossible. Having a pre-existing customer base will help, but you might be starting from scratch. To…

7 Unexpected Ways to Grow Sales Via Smartphones

With the reference of a recent survey conducted by United Nations, world population has become more than seven billion. The other fact is, from these seven billions inhabitants of the Earth, approximately two billions of…

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