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Run and Grow

What is a Record of Employment (ROE)?

When a Canadian employee receiving insurable earnings stops working for seven consecutive days, they experience what’s called an interruption of earnings. Employers are required at this point to issue a Record of Employment (ROE) electronically…

Can the Sharing Economy Boost Happiness?

The sharing economy makes it possible for you to live a great lifestyle without owning the things you have the desire to use. Although the status of the American economy is thriving, the cost of…

Where’s Your Team Playbook?

This one comes straight from football. From experience and from information about the competition, a coach creates a playbook that contains detailed plans for actions or plays that the entire team must know without question…

10 Innovation Myths for New Venture Founders to Avoid

Most people think innovation is all about ideas, when in fact it is more about delivery, people, and process. Entrepreneurs looking to innovate need to understand the execution challenge if they expect their startup to…

Can Your Team Overcome Messy Problems?

Some problems seem impossible to surmount Leaders and teams can be overwhelmed. We’ve all probably experienced this. Several big problems hit us at once. Or the system goes down, stranding everyone. Or worse yet, “We’ve…

7 Ways Automation is Helping Support Teams Deliver a Personalized Customer Experience

Businesses need loyal customers for long-term growth and profitability. But what’s the best way to get them to stick around? One of the keys to effective customer retention is the creation of a personalized customer…

Fix Problems with Timesheet Errors with a Few Simple Apps

I remember starting my first business. I quickly discovered how much the average business owner has on their plates. It can be easy to lose track of the importance of things like employee time tracking….

Delivering Bad News

It’s inevitable. We are going to screw up and have to share that with our customers, prospects and in many cases, with our employees or teammates. That we will have to do it is a…

Essential Reasons Startups Should Invest More in Safety

Safety is one of the last things on a startup’s list of concerns, but it should be one of the top. Along with the well-being of your employees, you should be worried about protecting your…

Restaurant Timekeeping, Scheduling, and Payroll

Running a restaurant sometimes feels like your hair is constantly aflame. Shift to shift, week to week, serving your customers takes hard work that often goes unseen (and maybe a little unappreciated, too). You don’t…

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