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Looking for a Webmaster? 5 Things to Think About

As web dependence (data gathering, marketing, eCommerce) increases for your business, a trusted, nimble, and efficient webmaster is paramount to day-to-day operations. Depending on the dynamics of your business

Crowdsource Your Business: Iceland’s Doing It!

Crowdsourcing is to operational problem solving what cloud computing is to computational resources and memory. With one difference: crowdsourcing is in the real world, while “the cloud” is in the virtual.

10 Great Questions to Ask Your Potential Small Biz Employees

Knowing everything you can about a possible new hire is imperative to a company’s success. Finding out what kind of employee a person will be in under an hour means you have to ask the right questions. Read on to find ten questions you should consider asking at an interview.

8 Keys to Entrepreneurs Who Can Make New Markets

The ultimate compliment that any entrepreneur can get is that they can “see around corners.” This is a statement that they are willing and able (and successful) at projecting market and technology turns, not just straight-line innovations. They have the courage to make bold decisions, often contrary to conventional market research.

Streamline Your Hiring Process

You know you need to hire someone soon, but are you dreading the long, drawn-out process, the advertising, rounds of interviews, reference checks, and negotiations? You wish you could just skip to the end of it—when they’re already working for you and contributing something of value.

5 Tips for Hiring Only the Best Startup Talent

While technology may allow us to scale businesses exponentially (once we have identified the appropriate formula), hiring the right talent is still the most fundamental aspect of building a thriving business. The HR function of being a startup founder is perhaps the role we are least equipped to play. But it is, in my opinion, the most important.

5 Startup Legal Shortcuts That Can Be Expensive

Although every startup is unique, there are certain common avoidable mistakes that can lead to legal complications that jeopardize the long-term success of the business. I’m not suggesting that every startup needs a lawyer, but you should definitely pay attention, and not be afraid to consult legal counsel if any of these raise qualms for you.

A Competitive Advantage: Be Nice

If you’ve been reading my customer service articles or watching my weekly videos on YouTube, then you know my definition of being amazing is about consistently being better than average. And above average means exactly that. You don’t have to be over-the-top amazing.

6 Pros and Cons of Hiring Remote Workers

Hiring virtual employees isn’t all cheap labor and round-the-clock productivity—despite what popular books like “The 4-Hour Work Week” would have you believe. Doing your due diligence will help you plan appropriately so you can avoid some of the common pitfalls associated with taking on remote workers.

After LLC Formation, What’s the Next Step?

After you form a limited liability company, the first thing you should do is draft an operating agreement. And if you’ve already formed a limited liability company or you’ve already formed any kind of entity, you want to draft the equivalent of an operating agreement, as an internal document among co-owners.

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