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A Step a Month to Better Customer Service

We all resolve to do better in a New Year, but how many of us really make a plan? What if you had a concrete plan for customer service improvement for each month of the year?

A Bad Customer Service Example Set by a Manager

Learning experiences are everywhere, and in customer service, you can learn from the bad experiences as well as the good. I had a bad experience the other night, while having dinner at a favorite restaurant.

5 Things That Are Keeping Your Business from Being More Efficient

Are your profits falling? Are your employees disengaged, unproductive or unhappy? Sometimes it is tough to pinpoint exactly what is draining time or resources for your company.

5 Ways to Weed Out the Wrong Candidates

Are you in the process of hiring more employees for your company? Recruiting and interviewing candidates is a long and tedious process, but if you can perfect the hiring formula, your business can flourish and enjoy unprecedented success.

Make the Lost Week a Busy Week: Kick-Start Success for 2014

It’s known as the “lost week”—the week in between Christmas and New Years. Unless you’re in retail, chances are your business is almost dead during that week, so it’s tempting to take the week off.

Small Business Payroll: Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Payroll Compliance is a challenge that many small businesses struggle with. Payroll done by business owners themselves mean that they need to have the know-how to comply with the Internal Revenue Service’s strict rules regarding accurate reporting & deposits.

Stop Competing: Start Winning by Innovating II

In your business or your life, are you a competer or an innovator? No, “competers” is not a misprint. It’s an original term for those who reflexively compete rather than seek to gain a strategic advantage through innovation.

Can Psychometric Testing Help You Find Better Candidates?

There are two words that often strike fear into the heart of even the most well-prepared job applicant: Psychometric. Testing.

What I Finally Got About “Unlearning”

Unlearning has become a popular concept recently. At first, I didn’t pay a lot of attention to it, I tended to think it a clever play on words. But over time, I’ve started to grasp the importance of “unlearning.”

5 Simple Ways to Increase Employee Productivity

There is an abundance of distractions that prevent employees from being as productive as possible. From cell phones to lack of motivation to employee discomfort, these distractions can cost your company thousands of dollars in wasted time.

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