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Run and Grow

How Technology Has Changed the Meeting

Communication systems have transitioned from simple rotary telephones to clear video and cloud-based presentation systems within only a few short decades.

How to Automate and Scale Workflow Pipelines

People play an incredibly large part in every company’s workflow. However, us humans can be costly and hard to manage, which creates a challenge when scaling horizontally.

5 Keys for Creating an Effective Customer Survey

Many companies stray away from putting time and resources into creating customer surveys because they figure that they will get minimal feedback and major resistance from customers.

How to Not Become a Labor Department Enforcement Target

Over the last couple of years the Department of Labor has become fairly aggressive in its enforcement of wage and hours laws. It has been targeting industries suspected of being the most egregious offenders and it is going at enforcement in such a public way as to create a “ripple effect.”

How to Know It’s Time for Your First Hire

Burning the midnight oil can’t last forever. At some point, if you want your business to grow, you need to bring help on board. That means hiring your first employee.

How to Handle Customer Complaints at Your Restaurant

While you can’t completely stop complaints from happening, you can do your best to handle them appropriately and professionally. Easier said than done, yes, but few tweaks here and there and you’ll be customer-complaint-handler in no time!

6 Innovative Solutions for Maximizing ROI

Every company tries to limit costs and increase revenue to maximize overall productivity and profits. However, some costs are unavoidable and must be spent.

How to Buy Out a Partner

When a small business starts out, multiple individuals will sometimes partner together or the original founder will bring in a third party to help establish the brand while it’s in its infancy.

Share of Wallet May Be the Best Loyalty Yardstick

Tim Keiningham, global chief strategy officer for Ipsos Loyalty has developed an interesting statistics regarding loyalty. Many companies rely on the NPS measurement to define their customer loyalty.

7 Handy Payroll Tips for Small Business Owners

Having a proper handle on your payroll is essential. So here are some helpful payroll tips for small business owners that you can apply to your enterprise:

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