Run and Grow
Limiting Absenteeism in the Workplace
Limiting costs and increasing efficiency are priorities for any business, particularly SMEs. With studies indicating that, on average, 9 days of unscheduled absence are taken by employees in the UK, US, and Canada each year,…
5 Tips for Giving Constructive Feedback to Your Employees
Many managers cringe at the mention of giving feedback to their employees—most of them are usually trained to lead teams or manage resources, not give constructive feedback. This is a serious mistake that can cost…
There’s Gold in Repurposing Intellectual Property
Several times a month, I’d have lunch with one of my CEOs, and each time we’d find ourselves digging into the intellectual property developed by the company over the years, just to refresh ourselves about…
How is a Business Ecosystem a Key Driver to Success?
In a Harvard Magazine interview, Rosabeth Moss Kanter, Chair and Director of the Harvard University Advanced Leadership Initiative, explained: “In Silicon Valley, there is a sense that you prosper only because you’re surrounded by lots…
What Uber Is and Isn’t—and How You Can Benefit
Uber is celebrating its fifth anniversary and it certainly has accomplished a lot in five years. It’s hard to imagine another company that has so quickly established a global presence. The last figures I saw…
Changes in the Manufacturing Industry: What Product Companies Must Do to Survive
I’m talking about every product company in every industry—toys, medical devices, cars, electronics. . . . They’re all facing disruption, and it’s very real because what businesses used to do before will not help them…
How to Fire the Right Way
According to a recent Human Capitalist article, over 30 percent of new hires quit within the first six months. However, many unsatisfied employees choose to remain and poorly perform at their job. Terminating an employee…
How Easy is It to Do Business with You?
Do you how know easy (or difficult) it is for your customers to do business with your SMB (small-medium business) or nonprofit? If you’re not sure, I suggest you find out. Why am I asking…
Are You Blockbuster or Netflix?
Kodak missed the digital revolution, and, like aging photos, faded with time—despite the fact it actually invented the first digital camera in 1975. Meanwhile, new and dynamic product categories for cameras, printers, accessories, and more…