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Run and Grow

The 4 Cs of Contact Center Customer Service

Recently I had to call the contact center of FootJoy regarding an order I had placed on their website for golf shoes. With a size 11 woman’s shoe, it is almost impossible to find golf…

How Companies Can Help the Disadvantaged and Enable Diversity in the Workplace

When it comes to Americans shopping habits, Millennials are changing the game. Instead of valuing a good price above all else, like their parent’s generation, millennials want to buy from companies that share their values….

How to Perfect Your Restaurant New Hire Checklist

There’s new hire onboarding, and then there’s new hire onboarding for restaurants. Restaurant employees are a breed of their own, and they turn over at a higher rate than employees in other industries. According to the National…

The Like Element

We’ve talked several times about the concept that no one buys anything until they know, like and trust the company who is doing the selling. If you aren’t on their radar screen, they can’t possibly…

Insurance is Always Too Expensive—Until It’s Needed

I expect that you have a story about how insurance saved you lots of money in your past. As usual, I have a story to make your hair stand on end. But first: here’s a…

2 Simple Customer Experience Principles to Live By

Tommy Smothers of the Smothers Brothers – if you don’t remember them, look them up on YouTube – used to have a short comedy routine about golf with a title something like, “The 37 most…

Is the Robot Revolution Coming to Retail Next?

The robots are coming! Well, they’re already here, and have been for a while. The manufacturing industry has seen seismic shifts in productivity and in its labor force since the introduction of automation, and is…

Understanding How/What to Outsource: What Makes the Most Sense

You already know that building and growing your business can be a challenging (albeit rewarding) experience. Your time and effort built your business, but making the most effective use of these two resources means that,…

Do Your Customers Give You Chances When You Screw Up?

Everyone makes mistakes. It’s part of human nature. But what happens when your business or organization makes a boo-boo? Do your customers forgive you completely? Well, according to a new study by Blis, most U.S. customers are unforgiving…

You Need These 4 Essential Elements to Streamline Your IT Infrastructure

Few things are costing today’s companies more money and wasted time than outdated IT infrastructure. Despite how important tech has become in the contemporary economy, too many businesses are unwilling or unsure of how they…

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