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Run and Grow

It’s Time for a New Way of Thinking About Business

Large corporations and conglomerates, the engines of growth and vitality in the twentieth century, have lost their edge and their image. They have proven themselves unable to innovate, and they have lost more jobs than…

You Are What You Measure

Back in the good old days, measuring your business outcomes and the impact of marketing on those outcomes was a challenge and at best, imprecise. Today, we have the opposite problem. Thanks to the web, Google…

The Future of Recruitment: 4 Things to Focus on in 2018 and Beyond

Over the years there has been a rapid change in how people view work. A lot of these changes are a result of the late millennials getting into the job market. Employers are also realizing…

How Weak Leadership Impacts Customer Loyalty

Customer experience is foundational to the success of your organization. As a customer experience expert, and as a customer myself, I have seen my fair share of customer experiences ranging from exceptional to downright disturbing. Check…

What to Do to Get More Done Every Day

Company culture isn’t all about group outings and team building. You can build a culture that promotes productivity and efficiency, engaging employees and boosting your bottom line at the same time. This is especially valuable…

5 Red Flags to Look for on an Applicant’s Resume

If you are faced with a large pile of resumes for just a few open positions, it can be overwhelming. In such situations, it always helps to have some simple hints and tools that can…

7 Tips to Build Your Business Through Customer Service

Your customers form the backbone of your business. Because of them, your business grows. That’s why you need excellent customer service. It builds customer loyalty, improves customer retention and assists your long-term growth and success….

3 Ways to Improve Your Company’s Customer Support

When a customer contacts your company with a problem, what level of support service is being delivered to them? Every successful business needs to ask this question on a frequent, ongoing basis to reach their…

Fire Fast, Not Last

Here is one that takes a real leap for a younger manager or CEO to believe. After hiring someone with all the attendant enthusiasm followed by the training and learning curve, if an employee shows…

Hire as if Your Survival Depends on It

Aside from visionary management, this is your most important job. Many of us go through the motions of hiring to fill a position, trying to use our intuition and skills to find the best candidate…

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