Run and Grow
How Much Time Do You Spend “Outside the Box?”
So, you’re managing all that work, all those interruptions, all those texts and pesky emails. You get home at some reasonable hour, kind of tired, and needing a recharge. Sound familiar? Well, that’s probably because…
How—and Why—to Hire People Over Skills
The recruitment industry has evolved over the past decade, driven by evolving technology, market outlook and a seismic shift in what employees are looking for in a role. But what do employers want from new…
Does Bad Delivery Drive the Customer Away?
Can a bad delivery really drive customers away? Many customers say they would switch suppliers and even expect a full refund in the event of a delayed or bad delivery. Customers are used to free…
The Best and Worst of Air Travel for Entrepreneurs
Every entrepreneur gets to the point where flying is absolutely necessary. There’s a conference to attend or an out-of-state client to meet, and suddenly Hipmunk and Kayak are getting workouts as you book some business…
How to Create a Compelling Annual Report
An annual report is a compilation of a company’s financial reports for the year ended. The report is a requirement for any public corporation listed with the Securities Exchange Commission. Other than that, all stakeholders…
The Positive Impact of Technology on HR Management
Recruiting and keeping top employees is a priority for every business. Even small and medium enterprises today compete in a large job market to attract excellent employees. As a result, technology has become the primary…
The Cost of Counterfeit Products
Counterfeits can hurt your business even if you don’t know they’re out there. A shocking two in five name brand products sold online turns out to be counterfeit, and many counterfeits are so convincing consumers…
Employees’ Fringe Benefits After Tax Reform
Tax reform made a lot of changes, some of which impacted employees’ fringe benefits. This article reviews the most frequently encountered fringe benefits, including those that were and were not impacted by tax changes. These…
Don’t Skimp on Your Business Insurance: Here’s Why
Business owners are constantly on a crusade to cut the costs associated with keeping their company afloat, and who could blame them? After all, entrepreneurs who manage to cut unnecessary expenses are usually those who…
How to Find the Best Car Insurance for Your Business or Personal Needs
Cars have become an essential part of both individual and business life. It is a standing requirement that all cars should have in place a valid third party insurance. With the availability of instant car…