Customer Service

A Year-End Customer Service Inventory: 5 Questions to Ponder

As we approach the end of the year and look forward to the next year of serving our customers and building profits, the following self-inventory will build our success: Are we becoming more or less…

9 Surefire Ways to Make Your Customers Happy

There is an oft-told legend about how Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos likes to make sure there is an empty chair at every company meeting: the chair represents the customers, so the most important ‘person’ is…

Are You Delivering Your Desired Brand Experiences?

One of the key indicators of branding success is how customers experience your brand. If their brand experiences don’t match your brand promises, the disconnect can truly hurt the brand and the organization’s ability to reach its strategic…

Customer Service Training is for Managers Too

Good managers know that customer service is the lifeblood of any successful company. It’s costly to run a business that is dependent on “new” customers. It’s far more cost efficient to focus on converting customers…

Why Putting the Customer First is a Profitable Strategy

As a provider of financial industry sales and service training for 20 years, I have been nothing short of horrified to learn about what Wells Fargo has been doing to their customers. It truly was…

Elephants and Customers Never Forget

According to a study by Dimensional Research on The Impact of Customer Service on Customer Lifetime Value, it turns out that elephants aren’t the only ones who never forget! Customers are right there with them, especially…

Why It’s Important to Engage Angry Customers on Twitter

Haven’t you ever tweeted about a poor customer experience, product, or service? I know I have. There’s something cathartic about sharing it in the Twittersphere. Well, now there’s a new study that shows how important it…

4 Ways to Build Trust with Customers That Can Transform Your Business

“Make hundreds of dollars a week just by stuffing envelopes.” Remember that tiny ad that used to run regularly in virtually every newspaper’s classified ad section? I suppose a fair number of people answered the…

The Top Customer Experience Lesson from Hawaii

If you’ve ever been to Hawaii, you’ll totally “get” this post. And, even if you haven’t, read on to discover the top customer experience strategy they use in the Hawaiian Islands. I just returned from my…

5 Steps to Turn a Negative into a Positive Customer Experience

A negative experience often means the customer goes elsewhere with their business—and often they tell their friends. So each lost customer means more than just their lost business, but it results in lost business from…

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