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People Skills
New Research on How to Motivate Your Employees
How to motivate employees? According to new research, messages from on high need to be more abstract and less details. And messages from immediate supervisors need to be more concrete. Here’s the summary.
How the Best Leaders Set Context
Think back to the most emotional conversation you’ve had recently at work and at home. Chances are good each resulted from misinterpreted intentions.
Quality and Meaning for People
In the open-talent economy, employees have options, and talent is a scarce resource. Business leaders are thinking like talent economists and sustainability…
The Benefits of a Corporate Activity Day for Your Staff
People often enter team-building activities with feelings of trepidation, suspicion, and nervous intrigue. If you’ve ever sat in a circle of chairs while sporting an illegible name badge and peered across at a colleague with a droll smile, then you might sympathize with these negative perceptions.
Your Business Could Be Suffering Because You’re a Bad Boss
The high-level of stress entrepreneurs deal with often precludes them from seeing how they interact with their team members. If you’re a bad boss, not only do your employees suffer, but so does your business.
“Why Does My Boss Hate Me?”
Just about every company is trying to innovate these days. And change, even if it is designed to bring out the best in an organization can—often inadvertently—bring out the worst in us.
The 3 Struggles of a Professional Who Really Cares
When you honestly care, you’re going to face three kinds of obstacles. Press forward. Improve. Press forward. Improve. Don’t expect others to carry what is yours to carry. And don’t allow others to guilt you into carrying what is theirs.
Top Tips for Productive Delegation
How often do you find yourself complaining about how busy you are? Stop to think about it. Contrary to popular belief, work overload is not necessarily a badge of honor.
Problems with Staff Getting Along
Frequently you have to deal with staff members who do not get along. This is one of those things that is just part of human nature. However, you cannot ignore these problems because they will only get worse with time.