People Skills

Want to Build a Winning Team? Don’t Ignore These 4 Essential Elements

Why do some companies consistently grow profits and revenues every year and others, seemly in the same type of business, crash and burn? Certainly, there are many factors, including many that are not within our…

Are You Unknowingly Inhibiting Your Team Members from Doing Their Jobs?

Results, results, results: When you’re in a position of leadership, this is probably the thing that occupies your mind and dictates your actions the most. However, as managers and leaders, we are responsible for so…

The 4 People You Meet on the Road to Business Success

No man is an island. It takes a village. Two heads are better than one. The proverbs, adages, and clichés go on and on, but I think you get the idea: in any endeavor, it’s…

5 Simple Steps to Boost Your Sales Reps’ Selling Power

For small businesses, sales is often among the top challenges—so implementing sales enablement processes may get punted down the to-do list. In fact, for many small businesses sales enablement feels like a luxury akin to…

4 Ways to Motivate Employee Success

The margin of difference between being a good business owner and a great business owner is often very slim. As a result, crossing that threshold tends to be fairly simple. One excellent step you can take is…

Do This Now for 2018 Team-Building Success

I have a two-part assignment for you: Decide how many special, engagement-boosting activities you would like to organize in 2018, and Put them on the calendar…in “ink.” By “special, engagement-boosting activities” I’m talking about the…

Trust, Authority, and Influence: Why Management and Leadership are Different Things

All too often, managers both new and old think that, simply because they’ve assumed a position in which they are charged with directing a team of employees, they’re automatically a leader. This couldn’t be further…

Healthy Employees are Happy Employees

Everyone knows that happy people make good employees. They are more productive, take fewer sick days and make a manager’s job that much easier. But what does it take to make them happy? That’s the…

What’s Your Bell Curve Look Like?

We tend to think about organizational performance in terms of “bell curves” or some sort of distribution curve. The typical bell curve looks something like this: The performance of our people is on the X…

Bye-bye Boomers! Adios Gen Xers! Millennials in Management

As we look toward the coming year, I think it’s a good time to take a “long view” of how we are assimilating Millennials into our companies. The position of Millennials in the workforce is…

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