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5 Tips for Successfully Managing Distributed Teams

Everyone knows that it’s best (and easiest!) to have a project team sitting cozily in one office or even one room. My firm belief, however, is that a globally dispersed team can achieve the same…

4 Project Management Tips for Beginners

Whether you’re running your own business or managing a department for your employer, there will likely be times when you need to supervise projects. If you’re just starting your career or are new to being…

Are You the Bottleneck in Your Organization?

At many board meetings, I can be counted upon to ask, “Where’s the bottleneck this month?” Senior management is usually prepared with an answer, and a good discussion of resource availability and application follows. Sometimes,…

These 5 Elements Measure Your Real Power as a Business Leader

How does a small business owner increase his or her power? If you believe as some do that power is all about title, position, authority, control, and supremacy, you’ll be hard-pressed for an answer. Leaders…

4 Simple Ways to Develop Leadership in Your Team

As a small business owner, you have made your dream a reality. Part of that dream is finding the right team to help run your business. There’s a lot of value in being a mentor…

Morning Success Routines That Will Transform Your Life

As humans we are meant to be creators and makers. It is in our DNA. One of the biggest challenges though is just starting. Beginning. Because things get in the way as the day progresses….

Building a Company Culture with an Emphasis on Employee Happiness

If you google “workplace culture,” you’ll find hundreds of articles and resources on why it’s important, how to build a better culture, and tons of examples of companies that are “doing it right.” But when…

Do You Make Any of These 5 Common Management Mistakes?

Nobody’s perfect. Especially where small businesses are concerned, even the best managers make mistakes. Today, we’re going to talk about the blunders that are made more often than any other—and how you can avoid making…

Are You Thinking of the End Game When Managing Your Business?

Ever think about growing your business with the plan to sell it someday, cashing in on your hard-earned work over the years? Or if you’re an employee with stock options, are you aware of the…

Tips for Working with or Managing Remote Teams

Here at Seer, we are no strangers to working with people around the country. Many of our clients aren’t based in Philly or San Diego, and as we grow our team, many of our employees…

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